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"how are you feeling today, big brother?"

not even sparing a glance at his little sister, muzan snatched the cup out of her grasp, drinking the contents in an instant. "i feel sick," he spat, slamming the cup down on the floor, causing the girl to flinch.

"but the doctor said the medi-"

"that damn doctor said a lot of things," the sick man interrupted. "he's useless! just like the rest of them!"

the twelve year old girl stood in silence, listening to her older brother insult every doctor that had tried to cure him.

from the moment kibutsuji muzan was born, he was frail and weak. growing up, all he could do was sit in his room all day. even sitting was painful for him. his body struggled to even keep him up right. his own weakness angered him, of course. in his eyes, his life was simply sad and pathetic. set to be miserable until the day he dies.

"every single person in this house is useless," muzan seethed, voice raspy from how much he had been coughing.



"go find another doctor."

surprised, the young girl gave an uncertain reply, "i can't do that. you know mom would never allow-"

"screw that woman," her brother coughed, blood splattering onto the floor. "just go find someone who can actually help me."

without another word, the girl left home to search for a doctor.

if there was one thing muzan liked about his sister, it would be her loyalty towards him. since young, she would always stay by his side. if he asked her to do something, she would do it without a question. maybe it was because she was too young to understand, but whatever the reason, muzan found her much more tolerable compared to others.

however, as she got older, she started to hesitate and do things she would have never done before. it irritated him, but she was the only person in this house that he could rely on at this point, so he really did not have a choice.

just as promised, [y/n] returned with a man who claimed to be great at his job. after studying muzan's condition, the doctor came back a few days later with a medicine. "this will fix you," the man had said. but muzan knew better than to trust his words.

as expected, the medicine did nothing. out of anger, muzan stabbed the doctor to death one day when he came to visit.

"get rid of his body," her older brother ordered. [y/n], terrified at what her brother had just done, quickly obeyed. "you failed," muzan had said to her before she left his room that night. she didn't have to ask to know what he was referring to.

she knew she had failed to bring someone who could actually cure him.

except that she didn't.

shortly after, her brother got better. there was a slight change to his appearance, but that wasn't what bothered [y/n].

"w-what are you doing..?" her voice was shaking just like her hands. in front of her was her brother with a corpse on the floor. there were bite marks all over the body and blood everywhere.

[y/n] felt sick to her stomach.

she came to a realisation that night that the man she was looking at was no longer her brother, but a demon.

even knowing that, [y/n] chose to stay by his side. did she do it out of love or fear? she didn't know.

she stayed when he killed their parents. she stayed, watching as he took the lives of innocent people. [y/n] felt like puking. but despite all that, she still stayed and followed him everywhere. because she had nowhere else to go to. the place she once called home had been destroyed by that man, he was the only person she had left.

and he knew that.

[y/n] was doomed. her life no longer belonged to her. she felt trapped. there was simply no escaping this man. [y/n] was sure that muzan no longer saw her as his sister. he would kill her if he had to, and that scared her.

two years passed. [y/n] had already accepted her fate at that point. but it was as if the gods had finally decided to give her a chance one day. allowing her to cross paths with a demon slayer who went by the name yoriichi.

tsugikuni yoriichi, a man so strong, he had the progenitor of demons trembling in fear at the tip of his bright red blade.

although yoriichi failed to kill muzan, in [y/n]'s eyes, he had done more than enough. he had given her an opportunity to escape that demon's grasp. to her, he was the man who helped her out of the nightmare she was stuck in.

for months, she followed yoriichi around like a lost puppy. but those were the best five months of her life before it, of course, came to an end.

[y/n] had always been afraid of death. will it hurt? will she even know she's dying? what would happen after that? where would she go?

all her questions were answered when she woke up and found herself in a small house in the middle of a large field that seemed to have no end.

there were three things [y/n] noted about this place. one, the sun never sets. for some reason, it is always daytime here, not once had it been night. it was confusing at first, but she eventually got used to it, so it no longer bothers her.

two, the only people that can come here are the deceased. which was why [y/n] was surprised to learn that tanjiro was actually alive and could come and leave anytime he wanted.

three, there are only two ways to leave this place. one is by the backdoor. and although this worked for everyone else, it never worked for [y/n]. no matter how hard she tries, she is unable to open that door.

the second way is if they fall asleep. this prevents people from staying here longer than they should because everyone has to leave at some point. however, no matter how many times [y/n] fell asleep, she always woke up to the same surroundings.

this must be some kind of punishment. due to what she had done when she was alive, and because she is related to the progenitor of demons. [y/n] came to the conclusion that the only way she can leave this place is when muzan dies. and she has been waiting for that moment for as long as she can remember.

"you either become a demon, or die right now." that was the last thing muzan had said before he killed her.

[y/n] scoffed as she recalled his words. he could offer her the same thing over and over again, but her answer will always remain the same. because to [y/n], immortality is a curse only idiots will wish for.


𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇; 𝑲.𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑱𝑰𝑹𝑶 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now