love sick;

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a week passed and tanjiro got much better. though he was a little upset as he never got to see [y/n] during that week.

ever since he met her, he started sleeping earlier in hopes of seeing her again. but much to his dismay, it never happened. he couldn't help but get upset at the thought of never seeing her again. after all, it's just as she said, he wasn't even suppose to be there in the first place.

he didn't know what that meant. in fact, he didn't know what any of this meant. he felt like [y/n] was hiding something from him, as much as he wanted to know what it is, he didn't want to pressure her into telling him.


her name was all he knew.

he wanted to know more.

"he's definitely love sick."

"he's sick?? we should tell that insect pillar—"

"it's shinobu-san, and no he isn't literally sick. you idiot. do you even know what love sick means?"

"you're sick of love."

"so you don't. okay. basically it's when you're in love with someone or miss someone you really care about."


"i'm saying, tanjiro is in love!"

"thats disgusting."

"it's not— hey where are you going?!"

ignoring the yellow head's question, inouske marched up to tanjiro and gave him an unexpected slap to the back of his head.

"ah! inosuke!" tanjiro yelled, grabbing onto his head. "what was that for?"

"you're sick," inosuke stated, pointing a finger at tanjiro.

"i am?"

"god damn it you idiot!" zenitsu ran between them, shaking his head.

"tanjiro, we're your friends right?"

"of course!"

"you can tell us anything, you know?"

"i know!"

"alright then, is there something you want to tell us?"

giving zenitsu a blank stare, tanjiro simply smiled, "nope!"

another slap to the head.

"inosuke! stop that!" tanjiro scolded, rubbing his head again.

"you're lying! monitsu said you're love sick!"

"what makes you say that, zenitsu?" tanjiro asked his friend, genuinely curious.

"well," zenitsu started, a small blush forming on his face. "you're acting like how i act whenever i haven't seen nezuko-chan in a long time and really miss her..."


"which brings me to my next question!" zenitsu added. "may i please see nezuko-chan now??"

"not now, she's still asleep, maybe later," tanjiro sighed.

"just one look please! i need some encouragement for my next mission!"

"oh, you're going on a mission?" inosuke asked. "that's great! i'm going on one too! let's leave together!"

"what???" zenitsu yelled, furiously shaking his head. "there's no way in hell i'm—" not letting the boy finish his sentence, inosuke started dragging him out of the room, completely ignoring his cries.

tanjiro couldn't help but let out a chuckle as he watch his friends leave.

"you're acting like how i act whenever i haven't seen nezuko-chan in a long time and really miss her..."

"i guess i do miss [y/n]," tanjiro hummed to himself. "i hope she's doing okay."

not long after his two friends left, tanjiro too, headed to his next destination.

the swordsmith village.


𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇; 𝑲.𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑱𝑰𝑹𝑶 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now