this and that;

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she sat patiently on the couch, flipping through the old book in her hands that holds the pictures of people she once knew. she let her fingers trace a certain picture of a person. tsugikuni yoriichi.

ever since they parted ways, she never saw him again. even though he said she would be safer if she stayed away from him, she felt the complete opposite. [y/n] knew he was strong, after all, he was the one who saved her from that man.

after yoriichi got banned from the demon slayer corps, he had hid himself, with only one goal in mind. he wanted to find his twin brother, who had unfortunately became a demon. while yoriichi was trying to look for his brother, she was trying to run away from hers. and while he succeeded, she failed.

when [y/n] died and appeared in this place, she was sure she was never going to see him again. if yoriichi were to see her here like this, he would have been very disappointed.

but of course, yoriichi was full of surprises.


"the weather is great as usual," she said to no one in particular. "guess i'll go take a walk." talking to herself became a habit, as nice as this place is, being there alone gets tiring.

sliding the screen open, a cool breeze blows past her frame as she stared up at the sky. "it never rains here," she noted as she walks to a small garden not too far away. she came to a stop when she notices a figure sitting in her garden.

taking a few cautious step towards the person, she attempts to get a glimpse of their face.

they must have heard her footsteps, because they turned around before she could even get close enough. her eyes widened as she recognises who it is.

her vision started to blur as tears start spilling out of her eyes. "yoriichi-san..."

she didn't know whether to be happy or upset. as much as she liked the way that they're together again, she knew that the only way he could even be here is if he was dead. and it pained her to know that he was no longer in the other world.

"how..." she had so many questions. "i-" so many things to say to him.

"i found him," he answered.

"did you..?" she asked, not daring to finish her sentence.

"no..." the man looked down, avoiding eye contact. "i couldn't do it. killing my own brother..."

silence filled the air. neither of them spoke for a while.

"what happened to you?" he started. [y/n] didn't like how his voice doesn't show his emotions. it was hard to read him. unsure of how to answer the question, she instead gave him a small smile. "would you like some tea?"


"i should have known, i'm sorry," he apologised.

"no..! it's okay, it's not your fault..."

"i thought you would've been safer, i was wrong. i left you alone and he--"

"no no, he gave me a choice, i could've became a demon, but i didn't so, really, it's kind of my fault too."

"why didn't you become demon?"

" wouldn't have liked that..."

not much was said after that. yoriichi told her a few interesting things that had happened in his life. she stayed seated, listening to everything he said, noting the way a faint smile would appear whenever he talked about the people he love, his wife, his friends and of course his brother. she made sure to memorise the sound of his voice, knowing that this is the last time she'll ever be seeing him.

𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇; 𝑲.𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑱𝑰𝑹𝑶 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now