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it has been three days since tanjiro last dreamt of [y/n], and he missed her.

during the day, he couldn't help but let his mind wander. what is [y/n] doing right now? i hope she's okay. how long more till night comes? i want to see her again-

"tanjiro-kun, are you alright?" the boy snapped his head up to look at the person standing in front of him. "kanroji-san!"

ever since nezuko conquered the sun, demons stopped showing up. because of this, the pillars have more time to train and are now participating in training sessions to help other corps members get stronger.

today was tanjiro's second day training with the love pillar. her training was less intense compared to the other pillars. they were mainly instructed to dance and do some stretching to help with flexibility. and right now, it was lunch break.

the boy has isolated himself in a corner of mitsuri's estate, a half eaten onigiri in his hand.

"is something wrong? you've been staring blankly at the wall for a while now," the love pillar tilted her head as she studied the younger boy's expression.

"oh! i'm alright," tanjiro gave her a nod, going back to finish eating his onigiri.

mitsuri looked around the huge training room. apart from her and tanjiro, there were a few other people scattered around. she made sure no one was close enough to be able to hear their conversation before taking a seat next to tanjiro. bringing her face closer towards his, she brought a hand up to cover her mouth before whispering, "who are you thinking about?"

a blush immediately formed on the red hair boy's face as he stared at the girl beside him, wide eyed. "w-what do you mean?" tanjiro let out a cough when he felt a clump of rice that he had forgotten to swallow, get stuck in his throat.

"oh come on~" mitsuri teased, lightly nudging the flustered boy with her elbow. "you can't fool me, i know that look."

well, she is the love pillar, after all.

taking a few deep breaths, tanjiro regained his composure. but when his mind went back to the girl he was thinking about, a faint blushed reappeared on his cheeks.

mitsuri let out a small squeal as she watched the boy's expression. "oh my god..! you're so in love!"

"i-it's not like that-"

"who is it?" the pillar asked, hiding a huge smile behind her hands.

"just a friend," tanjiro quickly replied, eyes darting around to see if anyone was eavesdropping. "i haven't seen her in a while. so, i kind of miss her..."

"a friend, huh,"mitsuri raised an eyebrow. "she's just a friend?"

"yes." for some reason, that answer sounded wrong to tanjiro.

the love pillar seemed to think the same, humming in response. "you should tell her."

"tell her..?" although he wasn't confused, tanjiro gave her a questioning look.

"that you like her, of course," mitsuri beamed. "a love confession," she sighed like a girl in love.


"do you not love her?"

"i don't know."

there were a lot of people tanjiro love in his life. his sister, his friends, the pillars and everyone he had ever met in the past. they are people who remind him that in this cruel world, he is not alone.

but being with [y/n] gave him a different feeling. it was strange and unfamiliar but at the same time, a kind of feeling that leaves him craving for more. is it good or bad? he did not know. and honestly, he did not care.

"don't you want her to know how you feel?"

what tanjiro wanted was to spend more time with the [h/c] hair girl. was there really no other way to see her?

for some reason, no matter how many times tanjiro sees [y/n] and no matter how long they spend together, when tanjiro wakes up, he is reminded that it was all just a dream.

she feels so far away, and it scared him.

what if inosuke was right? what if she really is just a dream? dreams can be deceiving. tanjiro knew this very well because of his encounter with lower moon one. he knew how real a dream can feel.

the love pillar was still talking, but her voice was just background noise to the boy as he sat in silence, trying to understand his own feelings.

"ah! it's already two," mitsuri jumped up, getting ready to start training again. "well, anyway, i think you should definitely tell her the next time you see her," the pillar suggested. "maybe take her out for dinner and end the night off with a confession and perhaps a kiss too?" she gasped, slapping her flushed cheeks before shaking her head, "ahhh! you have to tell her! when will you see her again? today? tomorrow?"

tanjiro pushed himself off the ground, almost dropping his onigiri. he had forgotten about it. "uhm, i'm not sure. it's really hard for us to meet."

"oh no! does she live really far from here or something?"


"ahhhh... i see, well i hope you see her soon!" mitsuri clasped her hands together, looking hopeful. "and when you confess to her, do tell me all about it!" she giggled with her hands over her mouth.

before tanjiro could reply, she had already left to gather everyone back in for training.

tanjiro, now alone with his thoughts, allowed his mind to go back to [y/n]. he really missed her.


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