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kocho shinobu.

tokito muichiro.

shinazugawa genya.

three people had already died from this fight.

"please, god. let tanjiro be okay..." [y/n] sobbed.

but the gods will ignore her pleas. why should they listen to what a dead person had to say? her words meant nothing to them.

this was the one time she prayed that she would not see tanjiro. because seeing him now would mean he is no longer alive. she didn't want that.

she wanted him to live. even if it meant never seeing him again. because even if she disappeared, her feelings for him would not. and that was more than enough for her.


it was complete chaos. so many lives were lost. however, they were fortunate enough to drive muzan out of the infinity castle and into an open space. if they could just hang in there for a little longer, the sun would rise, and this fight would finally end.

tanjiro couldn't remember what happened. but he had lost consciousness due to the amount of muzan's blood that had entered his system.

the boy had no clue whether he was dead or alive.

and there was only one way to find out.

it was quiet.

he stayed, lying on the warm grass as the sun watched him from above.

all the pain he felt had vanished. he was at ease, for now, at least.

the boy let out a breath of air, keeping his eyes closed. he did not feel like waking up yet.

soon, he heard footsteps nearing him.

someone was here.

they do not have a scent.

it was strange.

because every single person tanjiro met had a scent.

except for one person.


finally, the boy opened his eyes.

staring up at the girl standing over him, he watched as tears streamed down her pretty face. his fingers twitched, resisting the urge to wipe her tears away.

he closed his eyes once again before pushing himself off the ground, slowly standing up.

"are you..."

"i don't know."

that wasn't what she wanted to hear. he could tell she was frustrated.

"what the hell happened..." the girl choked out, wiping at her tears. the expression on her face made it look like she did not want to know the answer.

they stood in the garden, not exchanging any words. although they were both thinking the same thing, neither wanted to say it out loud.

as [y/n] had mentioned before, the only two ways out of here were to either leave through the backdoor or fall asleep. and if there was even a small chance that tanjiro was still alive, then he needed to go back.

but going back would mean...

he stared at the girl in front of him. she was still crying.

he knew what he had to do. and so did she.

he had to go.

time worked differently here. with every second that passed in this place, more of his comrades were getting slaughtered.

he had to go back and help them.

he had to stop muzan.

even if it meant...

"what are you doing?" [y/n] asked, wiping away her stubborn tears. "you're wasting time."

i know.

"you have to go back."

i know.

"nezuko... zenitsu... inosuke... and everyone else is waiting."

"what about you?" the boy asked.

"what are you talking about?" the girl brought her hands away from her face, looking up at the boy in front of her.

"if-" the boy corrected himself. "when i come back. will you still be here?" he asked. "will you wait for me?"

"yes. of course i will." she lied.

and he knew.

but for some reason, a small part of him still believed her.

"you promise?"

unable to form a verbal reply, the girl simply nodded.

"okay," he smiled, taking a step further away from her.

"i'll see you later."

the boy said it with so much sincerity that [y/n] almost believed they would see each other again when later comes. 



𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇; 𝑲.𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑱𝑰𝑹𝑶 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now