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the girl had finally stopped crying. she was still hiding in her room, away from the boy she had just confessed to. except, the house was eerily quiet now. he had left just as she had told him to.

in an attempt to take her mind off of him, she picked up the old book from her table before making her way back into the comforts of her bed.

"hm?" [y/n] noticed a pencil hidden in between the pages of the book. she did not recall leaving it there. placing the book down in front of her, she laid down on her belly, holding her upper body up on her elbows in a comfortable position.

not giving it much thought, she flipped to the page where her pencil was.

[y/n] expected a blank page, or maybe a page filled with her sketches and doodles. what she did not expect was an unfamiliar drawing that was definitely not done by her. her heart started to ache, as if trying to escape to see the sketch with its own eyes.

the girl on the page looked just like her.

[y/n] never considered herself good looking. she wasn't fond of her appearance. in fact, she disliked it. her hair was always a mess, it made her look like she had just rolled down a very tall hill. her eyes, although [e/c], still found a way to look dull and lifeless. she also had obvious eyebags, even though she have been sleeping a lot. and to make things worse, her complexion was so pale, it made her look like a ghost.

whenever she walked past something with a reflective surface, she would force herself not to look. and even if she did, all she ever saw was a girl without a future and nothing more.

but as she allowed her eyes to take in the sketch in front of her, she couldn't help but wonder if this really was her. tanjiro had managed to turn her insecurities and flaws into something she could learn to love and appreciate. he made her look alive.

he made her feel alive.

"tanjiro..." his name left her lips in a soft whisper. it sounded so right but felt so wrong.

and as [y/n] traced her finger along the lines of the sketch, she started to regret chasing tanjiro away.

she wished he was still here with her. she wished he had never left. she wished he didn't have to leave. she simply wished for them to be together.

but her wishes fell upon deaf ears.

because a relationship between a living boy and a dead girl just made no sense. they were two pieces of a puzzle, each from a completely different one. they weren't meant to be together, and they never will.

maybe if they had met under different circumstances. maybe... if she was still alive...

the sound of the front door sliding open snapped her out of her thoughts.

shutting the book, she jumped out of bed, slamming her room door open as she ran out into the living room. "tanjiro-"

it wasn't him.

standing across from her was a female wearing the same type of uniform tanjiro wears. she had black hair that faded into purple towards the end with a butterfly shaped pin holding it up in a bun.

"s-sorry!" [y/n] quickly apologised, flustered. "i thought you were someone else..."

"that's alright," the girl gave her a warm smile.

not knowing what to say, [y/n] stayed silent.

"i'm guessing me being here means i'm dead, yes?"

[y/n] looked up from the floor, meeting the girl's purple coloured eyes. "yes."

"i see," the insect pillar sighed. "i tried my best to make things easier for them. i hope they're okay."

for some reason, [y/n] started feeling anxious.

"anyway, i can't help but noticed what you said earlier. are you perhaps looking for kamado tanjiro?"

at the sound of his name, the girl perked up. "yes, i am! are you a friend of his? i-is he okay?"

"i don't know," the woman replied with a sad face, turning to look out of one of the windows. "we all got separated."

"what? what do you mean? did something happen?" her anxiousness grew as she waited for the girl's answer. judging by the look on her face, [y/n] readied herself for the bad news. and when it did arrive, it felt like a punch to the gut.

her brother had finally decided to take matters into his own hands.

after telling [y/n] what happened, shinobu took her leave. she made sure to say goodbye to [y/n] before stepping out the backdoor, out of this world.

[y/n] felt like passing out as she stumbled over to the sofa. she quickly took a seat, pulling her legs up to her chest. she squeezed her eyes shut, silently praying for tanjiro to be okay, even though she knew her prayers would go unanswered. 


𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇; 𝑲.𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑱𝑰𝑹𝑶 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now