a possibility;

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"i can't do this anymore... i'll die, i'll seriously die..." the yellow hair boy cried as he clinged onto the huge rock for warmth.

"i can't feel my arms and legs anymore..." tanjiro's trembling body was struggling to hold onto the rock he was hugging.

the stone pillar's training was really hard.

"any more of this and i'll actually go crazy..." zenitsu complained.

"we'll just have to work harder..!"

"though, i heard from inosuke that you've already lost your mind."


"he told me you were hallucinating, said you befriended a ghost and she made you cry..."

tanjiro was at a loss for words.

"are you alright?" zenitsu slid off his rock and made his way to his friend who was now seated on the ground. "tanjiro..?"

still shivering from the cold, tanjiro forced out a response, "i like her."

"t-the ghost..?" zenitsu looked around with a horrified expression, as if said ghost was actually with them.

"if nezuko was a ghost, would you still like h-"

"of course i would!! what kind of question is that!?" he shouted, suddenly looking wide awake. the people resting near them turned to give zenitsu a weird look.

tanjiro let out a sigh, taking in a few deep breaths before speaking again. "then why are you calling me crazy for liking a dead person if you would do the same?"

zenitsu said nothing for a while, giving tanjiro a blank stare.

"huh... did all that water clog your brain or something..." he mumbled, narrowing his eyes at the red-haired boy.

confused, tanjiro tilted his head to the side. "what are you talking about?"

"it's not the same, you idiot!" zenitsu threw his arms up in the air, frantically waving them around before pointing a finger at tanjiro. "nezuko-chan is real while the girl you like isn't!"

"but she is real."

"tanjiro..." zenitsu slapped a hand over his face. "how can she be real if you've only seen her in your dreams?"

he's got a point.

"even if that's the case..." tanjiro started. "what's wrong with liking a girl like her?"

zenitsu was dumbfounded. "you did not think this through, did you?"


"what are you going to do if you stop dreaming about her one day? you don't really think she'll be here forever, do you?" zenitsu asked. "she's just a dream, after all. she won't last."


𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇; 𝑲.𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑱𝑰𝑹𝑶 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now