Chapter 12: Yanchao's opponent and friend

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The original owner went to the Yanshi Building last time and sat directly on the cold bench. Without Yanchao speaking, no one paid attention to her at all. Finally, the original owner left aggressively, and kicked the door before leaving.

But this time I got out of the car with Chen Yujin, and when I entered the Yanshi Building, the receptionist was shocked for a while and suddenly didn't know what to call it.

Chen Yujin glanced at it.

Gu Xueyi herself came very few, mostly she didn't recognize it.

Chen Yujin whispered: "This is my wife."

The lady at the front desk suddenly realized that she hurriedly called: "Mrs. Banquet."

Gu Xueyi nodded slightly and entered the elevator with Chen Yujin.

The elevator doors closed, and their figures quickly disappeared from the lobby, but the front desk lady hadn't recovered yet.

...This, this is a different person? Isn't that Miss Gu?

Jian Changming sat in the small living room on the tenth floor.

From the tenth floor up, there are more secrets involved. The people in the Yan family know that Jian Changming is a good friend of Yan Chao, and they dare not invite people upstairs.

At this time, another secretary of Yanchao was also sitting in the small meeting room, chatting with him.

"Mr Chen is already downstairs." The secretary turned around and said with a smile.

Jian Changming nodded.

As soon as this action was completed, I heard light footsteps in the corridor outside the door, followed by noisy human voices.

After that, the door opened.

"Mr. Jian." Chen Yujin's voice sounded first.

Gu Xueyi said calmly, "Mr. Jian."

When the voice fell, she raised her eyes and looked at the man in the small meeting room.

Gu Xueyi couldn't help but marvel at every part of this building.

The "technology" of this era is really amazing. Compared with the western-style decoration that makes her feel "cheap" in the banquet house, everything here makes her admire from the inside out.

In contrast, the man sitting on the sofa is not so eye-catching.

The man wears a gray suit of this era, a pair of old-school glasses with silver rims, and a pen in his chest pocket. He has a straight figure, sits upright, has elegant and handsome features, and is about 35 or 6 years old.

Not much bigger than Jian Rui.

It should be relatively high.

"Mr. Chen." Jian Changming stood up slowly, reached out his hand and shook hands with Chen Yujin, and then divided his eyes to Gu Xueyi.

"Who is this?"

"Gu Xueyi." Gu Xueyi reported to herself directly.

Jian Changming was surprised for a moment.

But it was only a moment.

After all, he hadn't seen anything in the world before, and he quickly returned to normal.

"Where is my niece?" Jian Changming asked.

"Yan Wenjia is receiving Ms. Jian."

Jian Changming nodded, and stopped asking more questions.

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