Chapter 18: talk about Baoxin

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Everyone who mixes in this circle is smart. The next day, Mrs. Jin, who had spoken to Gu Xueyi at the banquet, took the initiative to call and wanted to invite Gu Xueyi to a flower art class.

Gu Xueyi declined.

Later, some other Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Zhang called to invite them.

This is probably what the original owner has never experienced before.

But Gu Xueyi never lacks. So she refused all of them.

Compared with these, she wanted to solve the important matters of the Yanjia first. Yanjia is a platform for her to adapt to this world, her temporary shelter, and the money she spends also comes from Yanchao.

Gu Xueyi changed her clothes and walked downstairs.

Downstairs, Yan Wenbo was sitting on the sofa, staring down at his palm slightly in surprise. When he heard the footsteps, he immediately put his hands away without moving.

Gu Xueyi had already seen what he was holding.

It's the badge.

Actually, it's not a big deal. It was given by Gu Xueyi when she bought ice cream at an ice cream shop near the hotel after the dinner party yesterday.

The things were cheap, but Gu Xueyi felt that the craftsmanship of this era was very interesting, so she stayed.

"No need to go to class today?" Gu Xueyi asked.


"I'll go out the door." Gu Xueyi said.

Yan Wenbo opened his mouth.

What are you telling me?

When the words came to the lips, Yan Wenbo failed to speak.

This way of greeting is like in a Japanese drama, every time you return home, you will say "tadaima" to your family.

It was weird and unfamiliar, but with a strong breath of life that never existed in the Yanjia before, suddenly broke into his sight.

When Yan Wenbai recovered, Gu Xueyi's figure had disappeared.

Gu Xueyi got in the car and called Chen Yujin.

Chen Yujin was sitting in the conference room at this time, presiding over a high-level meeting.

Yesterday’s banquet played its due role. Of course, Yanshi must also cooperate accordingly to maximize the effect.

At this time, Chen Yujin's assistant knocked on the door and handed out a mobile phone: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Jian's call."

Chen Yujin just picked it up and put it to her ears. Jian Changming's voice came from the other end: "If it is convenient for Mr. Chen, let's go to Baoxin in the afternoon..."

Jian Changming didn't finish speaking, when the phone ringing suddenly rang again.

Everyone in the conference room looked at me and I looked at you, and finally fixed their eyes on Chen Yujin.

It was Chen Yujin's personal cell phone ringing.

And the one handed over by the assistant just now was the phone number Chen Yujin used for official business.

Chen Yujin agreed to Jian Changming on the other end, and then took out her personal mobile phone. As soon as it was connected, Gu Xueyi's voice came from the other end.

"I'm going to Yanshi."

Put out.

Chen Yujin:...

He is holding a mobile phone in his left hand and a mobile phone in his right hand. I accidentally hit the male key.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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