Chapter 16: Talk

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Yan Wenshu was sitting in the hotel room, still buzzing in his mind because of the impact. She digested the message with difficulty...

It is not surprising that Jian Changming and Chen Yujin will appear on this occasion.

No... think about it, it's actually strange.

The banquet was hosted by Gu Xueyi.

She originally thought that this was just an activity that Gu Xueyi used to expand her social circle in the name of the banquet family, taking advantage of her elder brother's absence.

How could Chen Yujin accompany the mess?

Jian Changming will not attend! From beginning to end, he just gave the Yanchao and the Yanjia face! Which green onion does Gu Xueyi count?

But now... not only Chen Yujin followed Gu Xueyi, but Jian Changming also attended the banquet. There is even more incredible-Jiang Er is here too!

Even if Yan Wenshu is not sensitive to the things in the mall, now he can vaguely understand that this banquet is different...

It must have a greater meaning.


Gu Xueyi suddenly turned her head and asked, "What time is it?"

Chen Yujin paused, never expecting that someone would ask him such a question. After all, no one has used him as an ordinary tool for a long time.

But Chen Yujin still looked down at her watch: "It's eight forty-one, madam."

"It's almost there, um."


Gu Xueyi turned around and walked in the direction of the elevator: "If I go upstairs, I will trouble Secretary Chen to stare more."

She is going to see Yan Wenshu now?

Yan Wenshu's temper is always volatile and quite stubborn. It is difficult for anyone to convince her. Chen Yujin thought that if Yan Wenshu was invited to the room upstairs, he would not care anymore.

Chen Yujin's eyes flashed, and she answered, "My duty lies."

Gu Xueyi lifted the skirt and entered the elevator.

For a while, I don't know how many people are quietly looking over here, wishing to go up and help people lift their skirts.

If it weren't for the words "Mrs. Yan" on Gu Xueyi's head.

Gu Xueyi directly asked the staff to get the room card and swiped the door open.

Hearing a "squeak", the Yan Wenshu inside the door froze instinctively: "Secretary Chen?"

Will Chen Yujin come to teach her?

Chen Yujin is a selfless person with iron face, or even a little indifferent person. All his energy was dedicated to Yanshi, except for official duties, he would not criticize anyone. Even if the banquet family did something unbelievable.

The only person who can come is Chen Yujin...

Only he has something to do with the Yanshi.

Yan Wenshu was so nervous that his back was sweating. When he was thinking about how to face Chen Yujin, he turned his head and saw an overly beautiful face with delicate makeup.

In an instant, Yan Wenshu unexpectedly gave birth to an illusion of selfishness.

"...Gu Xueyi." She gritted her teeth.

When everyone was watching in the hall just now, the hot feeling on his face came again.

Gu Xueyi sat down on the sofa opposite her with a faint expression: "Very angry?"

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