Episode 21: End Of The 2nd Event

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-In an oasis-
3rd person pov

"You have it dont you? The gold medal..." the samurai woman asked already in a stance making sally and void get ready as well

"Huh? Huh!?" she exclaimed as she readied her shield

Not a sound was heared from the players as the wind was blowing their hair and clothes while they were in an intense stare down except maple

After like a minute of looking at each other, the samurai cracked a small smile then dropped her stance and said with her eyes closed "Fighting three agains one puts me in a disadvantage..."

"You think we'd just let you go on your merry way after picking a fight with us?" sally said

The samurai opened one eye and smiled then used [Super Acceleration] and passed right through us leaving a cloud of smoke making sally use [Super Acceleration] as well following right behind her. Leaving me and maple behind

Void dropped his stance and looked behind him and saw that the two were already far away

"Eh? Eh!?" maple exclaimed as she looked around and saw what void saw as well

"We should go after them!" maple said as she ran with what little speed she has

"Wait, maple!... And she's out of ear shot... Sigh. Well guess I'll go to sally first." void said thinking that maple would be alright and so he used [Shadow Exchange] and saw that sally and the samurai girl were on a stand still until the samurai girl looked at void all confused

"How did you do that?" she asked

"Why should I tell you?" sally asked all smug

"I think she's talking about me." void joined in scaring sally as she turned around

"Since when did you get here!" she shouted

Before void could say his answer the three heard screaming and "STOP!!"

They looked towards where the voice came from and saw maple using her shield as a sled crashing in the middle from where void, sally and the samurai stood causing a dust cloud to appear and the ground started to shift

The sands started to swirl around much like water going down a drain and the four of them caught in its flow until the reach the center of it and down they went as the vortex of sand started to go back to its original flat surface

After that whole ordeal, we see our three heroes and the samurai girl in what looks like an underground tunnel

As void, sally and the samurai got up and looked around until sally and the samurai got ready to fight again only this time they noticed that one of their hands were handcuffed

Void looked at his wrist and saw that he was cuffed as well while maple slowly sit up and rubbed her eye then noticing that she was cuffed as well

"Cursed chains that join four people. The four that are joined together share the same fate and if one person dies, all of them will die. Indestructable." The samurai read

"Thats harsh." sally said

"Talk about one for all, all for one." void said as he tuned out the rest of the conversation and used [Copy] on the indestructable item using up half of his mana just to copy it

His eyes widened but quickly brushed it off then used [Skill Modification] using all the mana void had left

Then new message appeared making sally curious as to what it was, went up to void and looked over his shoulder

As she read the message the look on her face kept getting more and more shocked

(Binding Chains- cursed chains that joins players in a 100 meter radius. The players that are joined share the same fate and if one of them dies, all of them will die. Indestructable. MP: Uses 50 every minute)

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