Episode 4: The Goddess' Champion

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3rd person pov
"That fight was easy. Good thing I still got some tricks up my sleeves. (Thread of Life (Passive)-  shows the player a thread that leads to a vital spot on their enemies) (Advance Assassination- an insta kill move when timed correctly. MP: 50) (MP Cut- halves the mp cost on skills. MP:30) This skills really carried me throught the whole fight." *Flashback to shi walking throught the dungeon corridors finding chest and looting them. In the end he only found 5 skill scrolls and nothing else out of 16 chests Flashback ends* "Hey! atleast I got something out of all those chests" Shi exclaimed to himself. "I should read the description of my armor and weapons first before I go inside these doors." Shi said to himself then proceeds to read his equipment. "(God's Messenger- the details of the armor will be determined on what pantheon the user choose.)" A message then pops up.

+Choose a pantheon+
(Available Pantheons: Arthurian, Babylonian, Celtic, Chinese, Egyptian, Great Old Ones, Greek, Hindu, Japanese, Mayan, Norse, Polynesian, Roman, Slavic, Voodoo and Yoruba.) (Each pantheon is unique, with different strengths and weaknesses, and their own playstyle.) "Ok, so I have to pick a pantheon for my armor's stats... But I only know 7 of this pantheons." "Can I atleast see what benefits do I get from each pantheons?"

Shi then selected The Greek Pantheon highligthing it and a confirmed button appeared he then selected The Arthurian Pantheon highlighting it but unselected The Greek Pantheon making it go back to being as it was before. Shi then unselected The Arthurian Pantheon and the confirmed button disappeared.

"Okay, so I cant get the ups and downs of each patheon, which is okay...(Sigh) Okay, since I dont know what the other pantheons are I should just stick to what I know and all the pantheons I know are the arthurian, greek, roman, babylonian, egyptian, norse and the great old ones... Okay I know what to do! (In a excited voice one that is used when you see a celebrity or your Idol) I should pick the mayan pantheon because Lady Quetzalcoatl is there or the babylonian pantheon so I could get gilgamesh's gate of babylon and Ea or or or~"

Slaps himself "NO! bad shi. You dont even know if they are based of the anime! Its best to base them on their real life lore... But gilgamesh was a king with a massive collection of rare items and lady quetzalcoatl might not be in a human form but she's still a dragon... but I dont know much of those pantheons." Shi then started brainstorming on what pantheon he should choose but not for long. "Okay I know which pantheon I want." Shi then selected The Greek Pantheon and pressed confirmed.

(Congratulations you have chosen The Greek Pantheon.) After the message popped up a 12 sided dice appeared on shi's hand (Now roll the dice to determine the god/goddess who will be giving their blessings and making you their champion) (1. Zeus 2. Poseidon 3. Hades 4. Hera 5. Artemis 6. Apollo 7. Athena 8. Aphrodite 9. Hermes 10. Ares 11.Hephaestus 12. Hestia) Shi then rolled the dice... (Congratulations Lady Hestia has given you her blessings and made you her champion. For the people to know you are Lady Hestia's Champion a mark of her symbol will be placed on your back) (Title Acquired: The Champion of The Hearth) as shi was ready the messages another one popped up (You can unlock the other Gods blessings by ?@!$+& (+)$_) "The last part is just gibberish! Maybe it will show up later but for now lets just be happy I got a blessing and a title."

Shi then takes a look at his armor (The Hearth's Messenger- This armor is a reminder to all who encounters you that you have the support of lady hestia and her most trusted messenger. Stats: +20 increase in stats when equipped, Hearth's Embrace (Lady Hestia is The Goddess of The Hearth as Her champion and messenger She has given you protection from debuffs), Family (Increases your allies stats by x5 when equipped), Calming Aura (when equipped a lower leveled monster than you will not attack you but attack you when you attack it. Does not work on higher leveled monster than you) "God damn this armor is broken. I mean Family... Hearth's Embrace and Calming Aura. If this armor set isnt broken idk what is... What about my weaposn?"

Shi then looked at his daggers (Sin and Punishment "Original Form"- Twin Daggers created by The Gods. Grants 3 skill slots and the daggers are also mana-sensitive, meaning that their power will increase based on their user's abilities, and even allow their user to alter their weight however they please.) (You can unlock their "Repent and Rejoice Form" by killing a PKer with over 100 kills to their name. More information will be given after you finished the task.)

"This armor set and daggers... ARE BROKEN ASF! I'm sure as hell am going to be one of the top players of NWO." said Shi.

As shi was finishing up with reading the details of his new found items. He then equipped his title and started walking towards the doors.

(Would to enter The Empty Throne Room? Y/N) "Y..."

The doors open revealing a room with an empty throne and a red knight guarding it.

-Character Sheet-
Name: Void
Level:64 (45 stat points)
Weapon: Sin and Punishment "Original Form"
Armor:The Hearth's Messenger
Title: The Champion of The Hearth (???)
AGI:156 (20)
STR:170 (20)
DEX:111 (20)
INT:140 (20)
VIT:145 (20)
Power slash: A powerful slash with stored up power. MP:12
Accelerate: Boost your ATK/AGI by 3% for 5 mins. MP:20
Poison resistance: medium
Poison dagger II (Passive): adds poison effect on your daggers
Precise cut: Strike your foe. This attack deals increased critical damage MP:10
Focused Slash: Strike your foe. This attack has increased critical-hit damage MP:15
Stealth II: makes you invisible for 40 sec. MP:5
Blood Dagger II (Passive): adds a bleeding effect on your daggers.
Blood Drain: steals hp from your enemies and make it yours. MP:25
Evasion II (Passive): a 30% chance to dodge an incoming attack
Flash Blink: dash forward, slashing through foes with all your swords. Foes in the path receive damage at the moment of impact, then get launched in the air moments later for more damage. This skill allows you to pierce through enemy guardians as well. MP:30
Moonlight Sonic: Perform a sweeping slash in front of you to pull foes close and inflict damage. MP: 25
Paralyzing Blow: paralyze your opponent for 15 secs when hit. MP:15
Back Stab: Increases dmg when you stab your enemies on the back. MP:15
Sixth Sense (Passive)- the ability to sense danger before it happens.
Thread of Life (Passive)-  shows the player a thread that leads to a vital spot on their enemies.
Advance Assassination- an insta kill move when timed correctly. MP: 50
MP Cut- halves the mp cost on skills. MP:30
Blessing of The Hearth- ???

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