Episode 28: Jeju Island Flashback

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-3rd Floor Unknown Island-
3rd person pov

We see void standing in front of his new summon, he named beru


After the fight with the congregation of the holy sword, void went back to the guild house and waited for his guildmates to return and on his way he killed some cows

After the event finished the rest came back to the guild house and saw void playing with boros and ishildur with a ball

After talking about how the event went, they started talking about what happened with the holy sword

Void explained what had happened against the guild and gave scrolls containing Godspeed, Fissure, Stampede and Multi Water Bullet

After some discussion, sally got Godspeed and Multi Water Bullet. Kasumi got Godspeed. Mai and yui got Fissure and Stampede. Kanade got Multi Water Bullet in his archives, while the others didnt get new skills because of their playstyle or class

We talked for a bit and since the devs made the 3rd floor available after the event, they decided to be the first to enter it and since maple wanted to show something new to them as well

They reached the entrance of the guardian protecting the entrance

The guardian then started to spawn and did a roar for intimidation only to have no effect on the group

Maple then used a new skill called [Predator] summoning a creature from her shadow. The others looked at void wanting an explanation on what that creature is only to get a "Dont look at me! I'm just as confused as you are."

Maple's summon begins to attack the boss mercilessly

Then out of nowhere maple used another skill called [Atrocity]

Making an animation of her shield turning into a ball with her inside of it that was getting bigger and bigger until an arm came out of it then another and another until a huge monster came out of it roaring with pride then proceeded to destroy the boss in seconds

After maple turned back, they went to the 3rd floor and saw a steampunked theme floor

They split up to cover more ground

Void went on sight seeing, trying to get the feel of the new environment

As void was busy enjoying the view, he got a new message

(Quest: Jeju Island Raid. Reward: ??? Accept? Y/N)

Void knowing what's about to happen got his army ready on the go with sin and punishment on hand then pressed Y

He got teleported on a beach, he looked around to see he was on an island with a mountain in the middle

Then the ground started to shake as he frantically looked around to see what was causing the sudden shake

Only to hear screeching noises coming from the mountain, not wasting any time summoned all his shadows and took a fighting stance

Then flying ants started coming out of the mountain, circling the whole island from above

As the ground still shook, void sees why it was still shaking

As ants started to surround him and his troops

Not waiting any longer,he commanded his army to lay waste on the ants

As void just stood there watching as his army totally destroyed the ants with boros and ishildur by his side

Tusk starting a forest fire. RedSanic speeding through the ants killing them as he passed by. Articuno piercing ants with ice. DeCaY summoning on the side lines. Sylvan uses vines to kill the ants. Azazel riding on kaisel slaying ants from above while making portals to summon demons. Handsome Squidward protecting void from ants coming close to him. Igris and tabk side by side on a killing spree. Tank and anubis killing ants to make a path through the forest to the mountain. While the rest of the shadows were killing as well

Void then started to make his way towards the mountain being protected by his army as he walks

As void stood infront of the entrance while his army reduced majority of the ants to particles

He walked inside to find a series of tunnels, not wanting to try and find where the right way is made RedSanic scout ahead

As void waited for about a minute straight, he suddenly felt a pressure coming from up ahead then felt RedSanic die making void wait for 1hr to resummon him again

Void went to where the pressure was emitting to find eggs galore and a huge ant that was laying them

With sin and punishment in hand started turning the eggs and their queen to particles

As he looked at the now empty cave that was not long ago filled with eggs felt the pressure behind him

Void turned around and there stood a black ant emitting the pressure he felt before and now

As void stood there sizeing up his opponent, the ant suddenly disappeared then appeared infront of him about to throw a punch only to get his arm cut off

As the ant looked about shocked, void took the chance and stabbed the ant by the chest turning  the ant into particles

As void stood victorious, his army soon came after as a message popped up

(Quest: Jeju Island Raid Complete. Reward: 1 wish.)

Void thought it was best to save it on a rainy day and his wish turned into a coupon

He looked towards the orb of the ant he just killed and said "Arise."

And there stood the ant in all of its glory then kneeled with its wings full on display

The shadiw was a commander rank waiting for void to name him

Void thought for a while and name the shadow Beru because his korean friend taught him a bit of korean

-End of Flashback-

Void then went outside and added about 8000 more ants to his army

Feeling that his quest was already finished went back to the guild house where they all agreed to meet up


We see everyone around the table with maple in the middle

They talked about what they found on the 3rd floor, after everyone shared their findings they all looked at maple

She just puffed up her chest with a closed eyed smile on her face

And said to find a place where she can show off her new skill

They went to a crater with maple in the middle of it and the others on the edge of it

Then out of nowhere she got a cannon on her arm then shot out a beam that destroyed where it was aimed at

Everyone from the sidelines all agreed on one thing maple truly is op

"Our favorite ant! Beru is here!" and thats it for hypedlol's corner. Hope you still enjoy the book as its ablut to come closer to the end. Until season 2 is here. So hope you have an amazing day and stay safe! Bye.

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