Episode 3: The Battle Of The Corridor

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-Inside the Dungeon-
3rd person pov
We see our MC walking through the corridor of the dungeon. "Do dungeons always give off anime demon lord vibes? I mean the poor lighting, the armor stands, the ominous wind and the long ass dark corridor! This feels like I'm in a castle of some sort of demon king or something. The Devs really took a page out of that book I see" Shi said as he was looking around the dungeon.

"Huh? this is weird... I've been walking for sometime now, normally I would be attacked by monsters right now... What's going on?" Shi exclaimed.

Shi continued walking never lowering his guard as he moved forward in the dark corridor.

Shi then came across an intersection. 3 corridors leading straight, left then right and at the end of each corridor big doors can be seen lit up with torches with different flames and on the frames of the doors inscibed with weird symbols. The corridor leading left and right was blocked with a barrier. Shi then went up to the left barrier then a message popped up (Requirments to enter "The Double Dungeon" is not met). Then he went to the right barrier then another message popped up (Requirments to enter "The Demon Castle" is not met). "I should go to straight. I'll figure out how to open the barriers later." Shi walked up the door and a message popped up (Level is too low to enter.) Shi then got shocked that he was still under leveled but another message popped up (Quest: Defeat all the monsters. Reward: God's Messenger set and 10 levels. Will you accept Y/N) "Y"

Shi then heard something coming towards him from behind. He looked towards where the sound is coming from and drew his daggers then took a stance there he saw a knight slowly walking towards him. Shi activated [Accelerate] then charged straight to the knight. The knight seeing this charged towards Shi aswell. When both of their weapons were about to clash Shi side stepped making the knight's sword hit the floor then he kicked it out of his hands then activated [Focused Slash] hitting the knight on his neck making the knight turn into particles. "There armor is really hard there defense must be hi-" Before shi could finish his sentence he felt something behind him so he turned around and swinged his daggers at nothing? but not long after a moster appeared and turned into particles. "So monsters can turn invisible aswell" then a message popped up (Sixth Sense (Passive)- the ability to sense danger before it happens.) as he was reading his new skill he felt something was about to happen so he dodged to avoid it and when he landed he saw a dark spot emitting heat from where he was last from then he felt it again and ducked only to see an arrow stuck on the wall from where he was. Shi then looked around and saw an army of armor standing ready to fight to the death. Shi stood up and took a stance, weapons drawed and looked at the army of tin can with the determination to win. Shi let out a war cry abd charged straight into the army activating [Accelerate] and [Powerful Slash] aiming at the necks of the monsters and turning some of them into particles. Shi then felt danger making him dodged the incoming rain of arrows and fire balls. He then activated [Stealth] and sneaked his way to where the achers and mages where and there he used [Powerful Slash] aiming at the monsters weapons and turning them in to particles. Shi then used [Precise Cut] on the archers and mages aiming on their necks. One by one they turn into particles until they were no more. Shi then turned to where the knights were and activated [Stealth] again and used [Accelerate] closing the gap between them then used [Precise Cut] to turn them into particles one by one. Sparks were flying, sounds of swords clashing, particle effects were seen and Shi's hp was going down but is getting healed constantly and the knights are losing hard to the point none were left making Shi the winner of the battle of the corridor.

Shi looked around if there were any enemies left. When he was sure there were none left a flood of messages popped up (You're level has increased to 54) (Blood Dagger (Passive): adds a bleeding effect on your daggers) (Blood Drain: steals hp from your enemies and make it yours. MP:25) (Evasion (Passive): a 20% chance to dodge an incoming attack) (Flash Blink: dash forward, slashing through foes with all your swords. Foes in the path receive damage at the moment of impact, then get launched in the air moments later for more damage. This skill allows you to pierce through enemy guardians as well. MP:30) (Moonlight Sonic: Perform a sweeping slash in front of you to pull foes close and inflict damage. MP: 25) (Paralyzing Blow: paralyze your opponent for 15 secs when hit. MP:15) (Back Stab: Increases dmg when you stab your enemies on the back. MP:15) (Stealth increased) (Evasion increased) (Poison Dagger increased) (Blood Dagger increased) (Accelerate increased) (Quest: Complete. Reward: God's Messenger set and 10 levels.) (You're level has increased to 64) (Acquired: God's Messenger set) (Loot acquired: 56489 gold coins, 53 hp potions and 32 mp potions). Shi was shocked that he leveled up this fast and got so many skills. He rested for awhile then equiped the assassins set and put some of the sp on his stats. Shi was finally sure he was ready to take on the boss.

-Character Sheet-
Name: Void
Level:64 (45 stat points)
Weapon: Sin and Punishment
Armor:God's Messenger
Power slash: A powerful slash with stored up power. MP:12
Accelerate: Boost your ATK/AGI by 3% for 5 mins. MP:20
Poison resistance: medium
Poison dagger II (Passive): adds poison effect on your daggers
Precise cut: Strike your foe. This attack deals increased critical damage MP:10
Focused Slash: Strike your foe. This attack has increased critical-hit damage MP:15
Stealth II: makes you invisible for 40 sec. MP:5
Blood Dagger II (Passive): adds a bleeding effect on your daggers.
Blood Drain: steals hp from your enemies and make it yours. MP:25
Evasion II (Passive): a 30% chance to dodge an incoming attack
Flash Blink: dash forward, slashing through foes with all your swords. Foes in the path receive damage at the moment of impact, then get launched in the air moments later for more damage. This skill allows you to pierce through enemy guardians as well. MP:30
Moonlight Sonic: Perform a sweeping slash in front of you to pull foes close and inflict damage. MP: 25
Paralyzing Blow: paralyze your opponent for 15 secs when hit. MP:15
Back Stab: Increases dmg when you stab your enemies on the back. MP:15
Sixth Sense (Passive)- the ability to sense danger before it happens.

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