Chapter One

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I get this feeling in my gut sometimes telling me when something bad is about to happen and usually I'm right. And on this particular day I was feeling it to the extreme. I call it my warning mechanism.

Usually when my warning mechanism kicked in it meant that Marshal was nearby. I seem to be his designated victim. The older we got the more he seemed to hate me, and I'm not entirely sure what I did to deserve it. 

As I should have expected he strolled up behind me and flicked the back of my neck. And everyone knows how much I hate my neck being touched. Bastard. 

I whine like a little boy and feel my face turning red. "NO!! No touching!" He bends over dying of laughter.

"Holy shit dude I just flicked you no need to get all flustered." He winked, obviously mocking me. 

One thing I struggle with is reading people and knowing what their intentions are. Though when it comes to Marshal, his intentions are quite obvious. 

He quickly flicks me one more time. I scrunch up my hands and my eyes. 

"Bro you're like a turtle, lemme do it again." He reached out his hand and I quickly batted it away. 

He grabbed his hand and dramatically brushed it across his forehead, gasping. "Help I've been wounded!" 

"Oh shoot, did I hurt your hand?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Jesus, can you ever take a fucking joke?" 

I looked down at my feet feeling about as stupid as they come. Why does he always make me feel so small? I basically tower over him. It's about time I body slam the ass hole into a locker. 

Calm down Keaton, it's not worth it. Just smile and everything will be alright.

I kept remembering what my adopted mom always told me right after my mom died. She always cradled me and said, "as long as you know you will always be loved by her then you should never doubt your worth."

I'd always doubted my worth anyways, especially when Marshal was around. From the moment I'd met him that fateful day in third grade I knew he was going to make my life a living hell. 

Lilliana appeared out of thin air inches from my face. "Boo dear friend!"

"Ah, you've scared me!" I feigned fear knowing she'd believe me. She giggled.

"I knew that would work. Hey, do you want to come over my house tomorrow night and play with Tobias?" Tobias is the much loved family dog Lilliana received as a gift after she had her appendix removed last February. It's been exactly a year and still neither of us can get enough of sweet little Tobias. 

"I would like that yes, my mother will need confirmation that there will be another person there to supervise us though." 

That's one thing that often upsets me. It's not like me and Lilliana can't watch ourselves. For the love of God, I'm sixteen years old and almost ready to apply for colleges! I shouldn't have to be watched over like a damn child. I say none of this aloud though. Instead I keep smiling.

"Don't worry Keaton, Marshal will be home to watch us. Although I'm not sure why they trust him of all people to be responsible." This makes me giggle. 

"Mom probably thinks if we're left alone together I'll get you pregnant or something." I grin.

"Oh for heaven's sake they're still on about that aren't they. Definitely wishful thinking on their part." We both broke out in hysterics. 

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