Chapter Nine

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I've made up my mind. I want to be friends with Marshal Yun. He told me that he wanted to teach me how to skate. How could I turn that down? Marshal was never nice to me before though. I wonder what changed?

Maybe he just felt bad for me because I was missing my best friend and nobody else wanted to be friends with me...

Either way I was definitely taking advantage of this opportunity. I was going to skate on the ice like a pro.

First though, I have to go to his game tonight. I plan to record it so Lilliana can see after she gets out of the hospital. I want to show her so badly but unfortunately we're not allowed phones when we enter the building.

I'm kind of excited to see him on the ice. He proved to me on Sunday that he is very graceful. Now I want to see him get into bad ass mode like his sister always talks about.

Before that would annoy me how she would always talk about how much of a bad ass her brother was and how rough he can get on the ice, but now I was getting a bit excited to see it for myself.

I took an hour trying to decide what to wear for the game before deciding on wearing a purple oversized hoodie and a pair of black leggings. It was the only true purple thing I owned and I wanted to show my support for the team.

The Yuns picked me up from my house at three thirty and we made our way out of the neighborhood in silence before anyone said a word.  I was always awkward during car rides.

"So how's it going sweety? Are you doing any better in math class since you and Mars started working together?"

I wasn't entirely sure, "no we've not really been making much progress," was a good answer so I settled with, "Yeah we're getting there."

They looked back at me for a moment and I dreaded the awkward silence. "Uh, so Keaton... I heard you and Marshal have been going to visit Lilliana together. Just let us know if you'd rather visit her alone."

"Why would I want that? Marshal isn't bothering us."

Mr. Yun looked back and smiled at me. "Oh you know I figured you and Lilliana would want to spend some alone time together. I mean you're never really alone with all the nurses checking in. But I figured you liked her, so if that's what you guys want I could always drive you."

"I feel like I'm missing something very important here. You know I can't read between the lines." I scratched my head.

Mr. Yun sighed. "Keaton. Are you and Lilliana you know... going out? Romantically."

Purced my lips awkwardly. "Oh... you think because she has a very obvious crush on me that we must be dating. We aren't."

Mrs. Yun stopped at a red light. "So, does that mean you're not interested in her? I was kind of hoping you were."

My eyes went wide. "I hate to be the barer of bad news, but I'm gay."

Mr. Yun chuckled. "Sorry I'm not laughing at you. It's just that Marshal tried to tell us this and we were so convinced you guys had a romance going on."

"Nope no romance for me. I will probably be single forever."

"You wouldn't happen to be interested in Marshal would you? He talks about you quite a bit."

"Isn't he like... homophobic?"

"He'll grow out of it. His birth mother was always a bit homophobic and he followed anything she said without question." I felt awkward hearing their step mother talk about their dead mother like that.

Mr. Yun spoke up. "Well just so you know, we are open minded people and if he says anything mean to you we will punish him accordingly."

Thank God! It was finally time to get out of the car and find our seats. Well first it was time for me to get a corn dog. And by me I mean Mrs. Yun ordering for me because I'm still afraid to order my own food. Even when I got food with Marshal he ordered for me.

I watched as the guys skated onto the ice and I spotted Marshal by the number on his jersey. He really didn't look that much smaller than the other guys. That is until I seen some of the guys on the other team. Yikes.

We all cheered loudly trying to show our support. I recorded bits and pieces throughout the game surprised at how much I was actually enjoying this sport. I was enjoying watching Marshal wipe the floor with the other team.

And then it was the third period and tensions were rising between the Seahawks and the Panthers. But It was still obvious Marshals team was crushing the panthers.

Suddenly there was commotion at the side of the rink and I could see Marshal being slammed into the side of the rink with great force. "Holy shit. He's hurting him!"

His dad patted me on the shoulder to calm me down but it became apparent somthing was wrong when Marshal was being escorted off the ice. Lilliana was going to want to watch this. We all made our way back the the locker rooms before the coach was calling Mr. Yun about the incident. They met outside the doors.

"Look, I'm not entirely sure what that was about out there but Marshal got fucked up pretty good by that Ashland boy. You're going to want to take him to the ER." Mr. Yun looked absolutely pissed.

When Marshal came out of the locker room he was held by two guys who helped him out into the car. He was no longer wearing his hocky gear.

I could hear his breathing was fast and shallow. "Are you okay?"

He looked like he wanted to punch someone. "No." He gasped in pain, "I want to murder him."

"Because he hurt you?"

"NO because of what he said."

Mrs. Yun reached back and patted Marshal on the knee. "What did he say honey?"

"He said that Bryan told him that I was a faggot. He must have told him that we were skating together the other night."

I began to cry. "Oh no I'm so sorry I didn't mean to come between you and your friend." He rubbed me on the back.

"Hey hey, stop crying. It's not your fault. If he says anything like that again I'm going to break every bone in his stupid body."

When we got into the hospital Marshals dad had to wheel him in. It turned out that he not only broke a bone in his ankle, he also broke two ribs. They gave him a cast for his ankle. They said it would heal in time and would most likely not require surgury."

The ribs they couldn't do much for. He was just going to have to sleep on his back for a while.

I Hate Marshal Yun (Boy × Boy)Where stories live. Discover now