Chapter Two

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Marshal's POV:

Ring Ring. "Sup mom, I'm kinda in English right now." 

Mrs. Yun groaned. "Ok Mars, whatever you say. But just so we're clear, I just heard that toilet flush in the background."

I laughed and leaned my back against the wall. "If you just tell me what you're calling for I can actually get back to class." I knew she wouldn't believe I was ever in class to begin with though.

"Okay love, sorry to bother you but you're going to be babysitting your sister and her friend tonight. You need to work on math within two hours. I'll ask your sister if you guys really worked together so don't even try me." 

I rolled my eyes and yawned. "Christ! Babysitting? But they're teenagers. I'm pretty sure they can watch themselves. Can't I just stay in my room if we're not working?"

"Mars do you really think we should leave your sister alone with that boy? They're clearly in love."

I slapped my forehead and groaned obnoxiously. "You're such a hollow mother. That boy is clearly fifty shades of gay."



"A QUEER mom. He's a flaming queer. Like that kid is gay enough to make Satan blush. I don't know how you didn't know that."

I could feel her condescending tone through the phone. "I think maybe you have the wrong idea, Mars. The kid has Autism. He's just a little eccentric."

"Mom, he wore floral embroidered jeans to school last week."

"You're not getting out of this." 

Ugh mothers can be the absolute worst. 

After the most boring damn day at Lincoln high aka the worst school ever I finally met up with my sister and her weird friend and drove them home.

He was glaring at me from the back seat. "Greetings Marshal." Ugh. I wish he wouldn't call me that. Only teachers call me Marshal. And I hate it when they do it too.

"Shut up creep. I don't want to hear your voice right now. Or ever."

Lilliana whined and slumped in the front seat. "Mars, be nice. You might hurt his feelings."

"Yeah no shit that's kind of the point." 

Fuck they're so dense. I'm pretty sure that's why Mr. Sunshine is always happy because he's so dense nothing penetrates his damn skull. 

It grosses me out exactly how much he smiles in comparison to any normal person. You'd think by now all of the hate he gets at school would have had some kind of effect on him but it seems Like nothing really gets to his head.

Can't say I'm the same way, not at all. I get shit all the time, people calling me a drugged out idiot and a lazy junkie. It definitely gets to me. I can barely smile. 

I don't think I've smiled in the last five years after my mom's suicide. My little sister just had to be the one to go in and try to wake her up. Watching how that fucked her up really fucked me up.

I Hate people like Keaton who go through life without any major obstacles or feelings. Maybe that's because I'm a deep feeler. Maybe that makes me naturally weak, I'm not really sure. 

I don't try to hide my moodiness. People at this school know me as a bit of a psychopath, and a little rough around the edges. I make it known that I hate people and yet somehow I'm still popular. 

Maybe all my friends think I'll explode if they drop me. I really don't know what they're all hanging on to. 

The only thing I really enjoy in life is Hockey. I've been playing since I was like six years old. Being on the ice as team captain gives me something to be proud of and a reason to live. 

We finally arrived at my house and I walked in, kicked off shoes and parked my ass on the sofa. 

Of course my sister had to come over and sit by me. Followed by Keaton. Gross. Definitely not sitting that close to a gay guy unless I have to. 

I always wonder why certain guys like Keaton for example are gay. I mean he's decent looking and he's got kind of a nerdy charm to him that I know my sister is madly in love with. If only he weren't a flame ball maybe they'd be together. Then again the thought of anyone dating my sister immediately pisses me off. 

I stood and watched them roll around with the dog on the couch then on the floor for half an hour before I got bored and planted myself on the couch by Lilliana and grabbed my x box controller. Lilliana grabbed another controller and Keaton sat on the floor and watched us play for forty five straight minutes. 

After a while he stretched and yawned, bumping into my leg. I nearly gagged at the idea of him touching me. "Marshal, don't you think it's about time to start working on math?"

I threw my controller to the side, upset that my sister would indeed snitch if we didn't actually work. "Fine. Maybe we can work in the dining room. On opposite sides of the table so I don't have to be anywhere near you."

Keaton smiled directly at me as if to shove in my face that he did not care at all about my opinion. "Don't worry shortie your not going to catch the gay from me. I don't think that's even possible." I rolled my eyes. 

"Good to know. And don't call me that I'm 5'10" it's not my fault you're freakishly large."

"I'm not freakishly large, I'm just freakishly tall and a little overweight."

"I never called you fat relax. You look just fine. Just freakishly tall."

"I'm six foot three and two hundred and thirty pounds. I guess I am a bit fat so I really don't know why I'm being touchy about it."

"For the last time you are not fat. Look at me. YOU ARE NOT FAT. Jesus christ. I might hate you but I would never call you fat dude."

It was the first time I saw him genuinely agitated by anything that I'd said about him and I didn't even mean it the way he took it. 

I really had only meant to call him tall, because in comparison to my 5'10" He was tall. I on the other hand was just about average and a little jealous of his build. 

We went through a couple of our old assignments together that neither of us had done very well on. I guess I was a little grateful the teacher had given me a second chance on them. Not entirely happy about the circumstances though. 

We agreed the next day we would work at the library because Lilliana's show on Netflix played at way too high of a volume the entire time and neither of us had the heart to tell her to turn it down. 

Even though I should have just told her to shut the damn thing off, I couldn't talk to her that way anymore, not the way I used to when we were kids. She was fragile now, depressed at times and I didn't want to make that worse. 

I Hate Marshal Yun (Boy × Boy)Where stories live. Discover now