Chapter Six

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I've always dreaded math class. But I figured I shouldn't skip it anymore now that I had to actually do my homework and participate in class. Believe it or not I'd  rather not have gotten expelled from school and I knew I was on thin ice.

I got drunk the night before and honestly wasn't feeling my best when I arrived to class. I hoped it would be an easy day just lecture and not much else to do.

As soon as I got to my seat the bell had rung and my stupid teacher was already telling us we were going to work on a fun project. We had to create a color by equation and then next week we were going to trade them and actually solve the equations and color them. Great.

And then comes the best news of all we were going this in assigned pairs. I waited impatiently with my fingers crossed. Please anyone but Keaton. People were going to start seeing us together and thinking things they shouldn't be thinking.

And who did he pair me with? Drum roll please... Keaton Weiss! Fucking great. Knowing the two of us, this project was never going to get done.

I reluctantly moved my desk over to his and was greeted by a big bright smile. I wondered what was really going on in his head. "What are you thinking about right now?" I wasn't completely sure why I felt asking was necessary but I figured I would humor myself.

"Boys. Nobody in specific. I'm just daydreaming..." He  looked at me as if he were trying to read my expression. "What is that face for? You're the one that asked what I was thinking about."

"I'm honestly surprised considering how gay you are that you've never had a thing for me. Lilliana once told me that you told her that you'd rather die and go to hell than to think about me." I laughed.

Keaton rolled his eyes and threw an eraser at me. "Trust me dude. I'm not interested in the slightest."

"Geez I thought I was at least decent looking I'm not that far below your league."

He grinned at that. "I will admit that while you are physically attractive you lack in everything else that I require a potential boyfriend to have, and therefore you are definitely not my type."

I wasn't expecting my feelings to be hurt by that, but for some reason the idea that he thought I had the personality of a rock kinda got to me.

"How is Lilliana doing? She doesn't have her cell phone so I can't talk to her." He looked sad for a moment.

"Well I think she's doing okay at least physically. They told me she was going to stay some time so I guess maybe she's not doing the best emotionally."

Keaton looked as if he might be holding back tears. And it made it hard for me to look at him in the moment. "I should have known this was coming. I always expected this to happen to one of us eventually, I just didn't expect it to be so soon."

"Keaton, you had no way to know." I thought about what he had said for another moment. "What do you mean by you knew it would have happened to one of you?"

He looked down and the expression on his face burned me. Even though we weren't friends I no longer wanted him to feel that way.

"Well, honestly we have both been depressed for some time. I know this because we vent to eachother every once and a while to relieve stress. For a while I thought I would for sure be the one to try it first with the constant bullying. It gets to me sometimes even when I try not to let it bother me."

I stared off to the side feeling incredibly guilty. I knew that it had to get to him at some point but I didn't think the stuff I'd done and said to him would cause him to hurt like this. I thought I was teaching him a lesson. Maybe this wasn't the way to go about it.

"I promise to not make you feel that way anymore. I'm sorry. I know that probably doesn't mean anything to you and that there's no way to undo everything that I've done to you but please don't do what Lilliana did. Never. You're life is important okay?"

He smiled at me and it felt real this time and I felt my heart beating in my chest.

"I appreciate that, honestly."

The bell rang and I realized that the whole time we were talking we had forgotten to actually work. Go figure. I slowly grabbed my shit and made my way outside where I seen a group of my friends standing around someone throwing rocks and grass at them. I moved closer to see Keaton. Fuck.

I ran towards them and stopped in front of Keaton. "What is going on. Why are you throwing shit at him?"

They all stared at me like somthing was on my face. Then one of them spoke. "Bro... chill. He was standing there turning in circles like a fucking lunatic. It's fine."

I suddenly felt extremely pissed off like I could rip his head off. "He has Autism fucking douche bag. It's called stimming. You're the lunatics right now not him." He backed away from me and I looked over to Keaton to see him leaning against a tree and flapping his hands.

"Bro is this about your sister? You seriously need to calm down."

"NO! This isn't about my sister right now. This is about Keaton. You can't just push people around because they have Autism. That's fucked up."

"Since when are you friends with the fa**ot anyways?" I clenched my fists in absolute rage.

"I'm not okay?! He's my sisters best friend."

The guys all snickered. "Right okay." Then they walked off. When I looked back Keaton was gone.

When I got home that night there was only one thing I could think about. How could I have been so messed up towards Keaton all these years? How could I be so unaware that I was ruining him like this?

I buried my face in my pillow before turning over and getting out my bong.

I took a couple of rips off the bong before returning to my train of thought. Why I suddenly cared about Keaton's feelings didn't matter to me at the moment. What mattered was that from then on out I was going to do better. I wouldn't keep hurting him like this. I couldn't.

Somthing in me made me realize that I no longer hated Keaton Weiss. I wasn't sure what I thought of him. But the hate had disappeared at some point.

I grabbed my phone and opened my texts to Keations number and saved him in my contacts under, "Boy I don't hate."

I thought carefully for a moment before deciding what to say. "I hope you're feeling better. I'm sorry about my friends. They can be dicks sometimes."

He sent back a smiley face emoji and then I watched him type for a moment. "Thankyou for stopping them. They were hurting me."

This made my stomach turn. "You don't have to thank me. This should have never happened." Then I sent him a video of me ice skating. "Don't you dare show anyone this."

Sometime after that I fell asleep.

I Hate Marshal Yun (Boy × Boy)Where stories live. Discover now