Chapter Twelve

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Marshal's POV:

Addition stinks. There's nothing I wanted more in my life than to let go of the life I was being led down. I decided to stop texting the guys from school. I didn't need them in my life when the only purpose they served was to get me into trouble.

I found a program from one of the pamphlets Keaton gave to me. It was a support group for teens with adult mentors. I figured I would give it a try.

I'm greatful to have Keaton in my life. He didn't have to be nice to me. And he definitely didn't have to help me, but he wanted to. He wanted to see me succeed even though he could just as easily go back to hating my guts for everything I'd done to him.

When I thought back to all the teasing and harassment I'd used to target him I cringed at myself. I felt absolutely terrible about it all and would probably never forgive myself.

I thought back to how much I used to hate him and wondered how I could have ever felt that way about someone so kind and caring. How could I have been so blind?

Lilliana got to be his best friend and suddenly I was no longer angry about that, instead I was jealous. I wanted to have that title. I wanted him to have that title even though we hadn't been friends for very long.

I heard my phone buzz with a text from my father. It was a message about Lilliana. They had called my father saying that Lilliana would be released from the hospital tomorrow. What a great way to start my Saturday.

I was really looking forward to having her home and I knew Keaton was too. Though part of me was worried that once she arrived she would have all of his attention.

At least for the night I had Keaton all to myself. I told him I would take him out to eat because of his acceptance into National Honors Society. This time we were eating fancy or at least we were eating at olive garden which was fancy enough for two teenagers.

I told him to dress nice. Partly because I thought we should look presentable and party because I was curious how he would interpret that.

He interpreted it well. I pulled up to his place and my jaw hit the floor when he came out the front door. He put on eyeliner. And he looked amazing.

That was the first thing I noticed, followed by his baby blue and white checkered sweater vest and white button up he put underneath it. He looked absolutely amazing.

This outfit was both feminine and masculine and he knew just how to pull it off. Honestly he could probably make anything look good because he knew how to style things and with his body well...

It wasn't long before we'd arrived at Olive Garden. We talked about figure skating and how disappointed I was that I couldn't teach him at the moment.

"It's okay we can do other things, like I can take you for a walk around the pond or we can build a fire and sit by it."

"Now you're just describing dates." Why was I flirting with him. He blushed, and I tried to ignore how cute this made him look. Fuck it's getting way to hard to remain a friendly distance. I scooted back in my chair becoming all to aware that I was leaning forward into his space.

"Pshhh... you know I'm not trying to flirt with you right? I wouldn't do that."

He was right he wouldn't flirt with me, because he didn't like me. But here I was getting way to comfortable.

This think I had for Keaton. It just had to have an easy explanation. I wasn't gay, not even close. I'd never looked at guys before and wanted to get close to them.

Maybe it was because of how he dressed. It was messing with my head. I'd never had this issue when guys just dressed masculine like guys normally did. But if that were the problem why did I wonder what he looked like without all the clothes.

Woah there buddy. That wasn't a straight thought. And now I was having a full on crisis in the middle of an Olive Garden.

And I was staring again.

"Are you okay?"

I cleared my throat. "Oh, yeah I'm fine. Sorry just a bit distracted. Lilliana is coming hone tomorrow by the way. You should stay the night so we can pick her up together in the morning."

If I'm being honest the only reason why I asked him was so I didn't have to be alone with my thoughts but the minute it came out of my mouth I wondered why I wanted to torture myself like that.

When we're all finished eating our dinner we make our way to the mall where I show him a toy shop I used to go all the time as a kid and I buy him a little stuffed owl.

"Here this is for you. You know, because you're so wise." I crack myself up. He doesn't get the joke or laugh. Instead he hugs me and it warms my insides and turns them into mush. This was going to be a long night.

We finally arrived home laughing and enjoying conversation when my father greeted us by the front doors. "So, you guys must have had fun. Keaton it's getting late, you must be staying the night?"

He looks shy all of a sudden and flaps his hands. "Uh yes. Is that okay?"

"Of course I'm glad you two are getting along."

My dad walked away with a dopey grin on his face. Should I be suspicious of something?

"What is he smiling about?"

Keaton groans. "For some reason he thinks I have a crush on you. Not sure where he got that idea from."

Right. Where would he get an idea like that? There was absolutely no crushing going on between us.

"Oh. He's weird just ignore him. I'm just glad they no longer think you're going out with Lilliana."

"Maybe if Lilliana had a," I cut him off.

"If you're about to say penis, I assure you she doesn't."

He keeps talking. "Actually even if she did I like masculine men."

I thought about myself. Was I masculine enough? Was I too short? Why did I even care?

He helped to into bed and we chose a movie to watch.

"Let's watch 'The Great Gatsby' it will be easy to relax to since we just read it together."

"Sounds perfect." He leaned back into the pillow and searched my laptop until we found the movie.

"Hey, can I use you as a pillow?"

Oh my God. My heart was actually about to leap out of my chest what if he could hear it? "Alright." He probably wasn't listening to my heart anyways.

As he lay there I looked down at his hair and wondered what it would feel like to have my hands tangled up in its dark waves. I pushed that thought aside.

Fuck this was really doing it for me.

I Hate Marshal Yun (Boy × Boy)Where stories live. Discover now