Chapter Three

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Keaton's POV: 

I was walking down the hallway on my way to math when I felt hands tickle the back of my neck and then a foot kicked out in front of me causing me to trip. 

Oh boy. I stopped in my tracks and flapped my hands in my face anxiously. Then I proceeded to walk a little faster looking straight forward. 

Don't let them see the tears about to fall. It's not happening today or any other day. You are strong Keaton.

I escaped into the classroom and then put my head down on my desk and groaned. Make this day be over. 

I made a show of turning back to the boy I knew was behind all my torture this morning and then gave him a wide smile. I knew that would piss him off. 

If I learned anything from frozen aka my favorite Disney movie it was, "conceal don't feel, don't let it show." Not entirely sure that was the message I was supposed to get now that I think of it, but that was the line that replayed in my mind over and over again. 

We sat there in class glaring straight through each other for the entire period before the bell rang and I noticed that Marshal stayed planted in his seat until the moment I walked past him. 

Here we go again. As I predicted I felt a sharp cold breath at the back of my neck. Why the hell had he gotten that close to my behind. That was reserved for me only. 

"Get away from my butt Marshal."

"Woah bro." I could hear a few of his friends gasp and chuckle from around us. "I wasn't doing anything with your butt. Fucking fa**ot."

My eyes went wide and I kept walking, then stopped and glared at him. "Really because you seem to be doing everything to stay in as close proximity as you can. Not that I blame you."

His face was unreadable and one of his friends bent in Half wheezing. I smirked a little proud of myself and proceeded into the next class. 

Only two more hours. God save me. 

And of course the rest of this time I spent vigorously rocking as I thought about the previous events of the day. Who was I kidding? I definitely felt everything. And everything felt like shit.

Finally when the final bell rang I made my way to meet up with Lilliana by the lockers. But this time there would be no Xbox or fluffy black dog to play with, just a library full of books. 

Marshal met us out by his red jeep and glared at us as we approached. "Took you fucking forever what were you doing in there sucking dick."

Lilliana raised an eyebrow. "No but that would have been more interesting than spending ten minutes searching for my history book." 

Marshal's face was unmistakably disgusted. "Jesus Lilliana I was talking to the flamer not you." 

I piped up. "Well in that case I would have to agree, not that I have any experience in that feild, at least not as much as you." 

He almost laughed, I caught that. "Wow. Clever."

I patted myself on the back. 

When we finally dropped off Lilliana to her mother, Marshal waited for me to hop in the front seat. I was surprised he even let me sit by him in the first place.

The library was extremely dead. Almost nobody was there to see all the books. It made me sad. The books deserve attention.

"Poor lonely books." Honestly the silence was under stimulating and I just needed to hear myself talk for a moment. 

"They don't have feelings you know."

I ran my fingers over the spine of a tall blue book. "In my mind everything in existence has feelings and deserves to be loved and cared for."

I couldn't read his face again, which always annoyed me. "That's gay."

"Why does everything about me in your head relate to my sexuality?"

"I don't know, maybe it's because your overwhelmingly gay."

"You think too much about my sexuality for someone that hates me." 

"Well maybe if you didn't make it painfully obvious. I mean look at you. I can't believe you're wearing a cardigan." 

"I'm cold. Does that make me more or less gay to you?"

"I... shut up." I began humming rhythmically and bobbing my head due to an underwhelming environment.

I noticed Marshal looking around. "Even your stimming makes you look happy. God why are you always smiling? It drives me insane, just in case you didn't already know that."

I stared confused. "I smile a lot, yes, but that doesn't mean I'm really happy. There's such a thing as pretending. You know, fake It till you make it."

He froze. "Huh I mean to be fair you must be either a really good actor or just not sad very often if you are still able to smile that much."

"I'll have to admit that sometimes smiling just makes me feel worse but at least if I'm smiling nobody will get in my business."

I could see a faint frown in his expression, but I wasn't entirely sure what that meant. 

"You're frowning, am I boring you or something?"

"No I'm just... nevermind. I'm just over this whole math arrangement."

"You think I like waisting my time with the guy who calls me slurs all the time and thinks I'm retarded?"

"Woah bro! Don't say that. I don't think you’re... I don't think you're actually dumb Okay, this has nothing to do with your Autism. It's everything else about you."

I smiled. "I thought you hated people with Autism."

"If you think that you have harshly misjudged my character. I just hate you cause you're way to gay."

"Yeah I really don't think I misjudged your character too harshly. Especially not when you go and say things like that." 

"I'm just making it clear that I dislike you."

"And I'm just saying that you're a total douche bag." 


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