Chapter Sixteen

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Finally the moment I'd been waiting for, It  was finally time to get rid of the crutches.

It had officially been a month since Keaton and I had started dating and i was feeling really confident in my relationship with him. For some reason though my sexuality still didn't make sense to me though.

I tried not to think to far into it and just enjoy my time with Keaton even though it was proving to be difficult not to let it frustrate me.

We still technically haven't even made our relationship official. Even Lilliana doesn't know we're dating yet. Though she probably suspected it long ago.

We hadn't really gotten a chance of hang out alone in that time sinse we started dating because my mom always told Lilliana to tag along. Which I fine with I just wished we would have some alone time to have private conversations.

We decided this was a good time to let Lilliana know what was going on between us.

Since I was finally out of my crutches I decided to invite Lilliana to the mall with us.

"Sis, me and Keaton are going on a date to the mall, do you want to join, you know, since you've been waiting to do this for so long and we never got to go."

"A date? Does this mean you're boyfriends or are you still just figuring it out?"

I laughed. Sometimes her being a little dense is kind of cute. "Lilliana we've been dating for an entire month though this will be our first official date since I can finally go out and do things."

"What bitch? A whole entire month and you just now tell me?"

"Lilliana. To be fair I didn't really know for sure if this would last a month. I'm still trying to make sense of my feelings for him."

"And he's okay with you not being completely sure?"

"Look, I'm in love with him okay, I just don't know what that says about me except that I'm obviously not one hundred percent straight."

She looked me dead in the eyes which she rarely ever did. "That much was already obvious." Damn. Why didn't she tell me I wasn't straight long before so I would have at least been prepared.

"Rude." She smirked.

"Oh yeah by the way can I invite my new boyfriend?"

"Wait your new WHAT?"

"Don't you act all freaked out. You'll like him. He's a dancer and he's totally dreamy."

"I see... sure you do that. Does he drive?"

"Yeah he'll just meet us at the mall."

"How old is this boy?"


"Lilliana. You're only fifteen. That boy is Keatons age."

"Jeez you need to take a chill pill. He's only a year and a half older than me."

An hour passed before we left to pick up Keaton and we made our way to the mall.

"Boys this is Mack, my boyfriend."

What the actual fuck. This boy was fine as hell. And I recognized him too. He was one of the boys my friends had pushed around a few times. Shit.

"Hi Mack. I really hope you don't hold grudges. Just so you know I'm no longer friends with the ass hole squad. If you remember who I'm talking about."

"It's all in the past. Your sister already told me you were a changed man. I hope me being bixexual isn't going to affect your comfort with me dating your sister."

"You don't have to explain yourself to me man. Can i trust yiu with a secret?"

He looked at me awkwardly. "Yeah. I mean I would be afraid you might kill me if I told anyone anyways." This made me laugh.

"Well just so you know, me and Keaton are boyfriends.  It feels good to say that out loud. Though I'm not really sure what that makes me."

"Have you considered that you might be bisexual?"

"The thing is, Keaton is the first guy I've ever been interested in romantically. And honestly it's not often that I think about men. I've never been that attracted to most of the guys I hang around."

"So. What's different about Keaton that makes you attracted to him?"

"Well the first thing that got my attention was when he started showing off his body more, dressing the way he does now."

"Have you ever considered that your just attracted to more feminine guys?"

Huh. This definitely made me think. It also made me think about the types of guys I'd stared at on Instagram. He had a point. "Shit you're right."

"I thought you never liked me dressing feminine."

I looked at him and rubbed his shoulder. "Hey, no. That was back when I was uncomfortable by the fact that it turned me on."

Keaton blushed, hard. I had to turn away to hide how hard his blushing made me grin. It was so darn cute. If looks could kill, I'd have died each and every time Keaton blushed.

We split up and Keaton told me there was somthing he wanted me to see. It was a hat stand where they had hats from a bunch of different NHL teams, including the Toronto Maple Leafs.

He bought me the hat. It made an amazing gift and it made me extremely happy. What did I do to deserve this?

"You are amazing you know."

"I'm glad you feel that way."

"Well it's true. You have no idea how amazing you are."

He smiled shyly and look at the ground. I brought his face up to mine and planted a kiss on his lips.

We had been doing that a lot lately. In fact, I was kissing him every chance I got. It was just proving further to me that I was in love with him and this made me so incredibly grateful to have him.

Finally after looking around a couple of stores and a couple of bags of Keaton's fashion habits later we arrived back at the car, and then eventually home where my mother met us at the car.

"Keaton hello sweetheart, your mom just told me you could stay the night. We'd be happy to have you stay with Marshal in the living room. It's been to long."

The living room. Right. I'd almost forgotten about the no doors closed rule.

The four of us got inside and made popcorn and chilled on the couch  and chairs. Finally my mother decided to go pop some popcorn for us.

I followed us into the living room. "Mom I just wanted you to know in case it wasn't obvious that me and Keaton are dating now."

"No really? I had no idea."

I rolled my eyes. "Ok I knew it was obvious but to be fair Lilliana didn't know."

"Well you have to remember, I'm your mother. You better tell Keaton his mother already knows too. We've discussed it multiple times. Stop being so secretive."

I kissed my mother on the shoulder and came back to sit on the couch with Keaton. I put on my hat and he insisted on doing a fashion show with his new outfits.

"You always look amazing you know."

"Thank you. I'm trying."

I wished he knew exactly how loved he was.

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