Chapter Thirteen

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Marshal was still laying by me from last night and i was doing everything in my power not to stare at him as he slept like a total creep.

Instead I was texting Justin Johnson from the soccer team. He gave me his number a few days prior at school so of course I was going to shoot my shot with him. I was trying to get my mind on someone other than the boy sleeping next to me.

At least Justin was hot and had a sense of humor. Maybe this distraction would actually turn into somthing. I looked at his Instagram posts yesterday like a total weirdo, but I seen a picture of him posing with the bisexual flag so I think it might be safe to assume that I have a shot with him.

Once Marshal finally wakes up we go to brush our teeth together and I  throw on what I wore last night. He told me his dad would let me stop by my house to change before we went to pick up Lilliana.

"Can you promise me somthing Keaton?"

"Not until you tell me what I'm promising to."

He face palmed and I figured I probably said somthing dumb. Wouldn't be the first time, won't be the last.

"I want you to promise me now that Lilliana's coming home you won't forget about me."

"It will be hard to forget about you considering that you live with her."

He playfully pushed my shoulder. "Yeah yeah, just promise me okay?"

"I promise I won't forget about you. I will never forget about you, it's not even possible."

Soon we pulled up to the entrance to the hospital and Mr. Yun went inside to retrieve Lilliana. We had already stopped by my house and I had changed into a pair of black high waisted jeans and a white Adidas cropped hoodie with a neon yellow fanny pack. Not my best look but it was what I had clean.

Lilliana came out and immediately called out my fanny pack for being atrocious. Marshal jumped in to defend me. "Lilliana you're one to talk. You don't even dress half as fashionable as Keaton."

"Oh please. Just because I wear sweatpants most of the time doesn't mean I don't have opinions on the matter."

I sat there in silence as they argued. Eventually I got annoyed and decided to change the subject. "Lilliana guess what?!"


"You know Justin Johnson?"


"Well he gave me his number and we've been texting."

She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Babe I hate to break it to you but he's a heterosexual."

"See that's what I thought too but then I seen a pic of him at pride with a bisexual flag."

"Wait were you stalking his Instagram?"

I stared awkwardly before admiting my shame. "Uh yes. Yes I was. But your missing my point. I think he might like me."

"Ask him out then. Go to dinner with him."

Marshal immediately spoke his mind. "But Lilliana don't you like him too? I think you should go for him. Come on Keaton you could probably get any other guy. That's like the only boy Lilliana has mentioned having a crush on."

Lilliana kicked Marshal from the back seat. "Don't be ridiculous. They would make a cute couple. ASK HIM OUT."

So I did. I texted Justin asking him to go out to dinner tomorrow night and he accepted right away.

Marshal remained silent for the rest of the car ride before his dad dropped us off at my house where my parents were getting ready to cook lunch. "Ok boys. I'm going to charge my phone in the dining room you too just chill and play a game or somthing."

This whole time Justin was sending me pictures of his dogs and winky face emojis every time I didn't respond right away to a message. I sent him a selfie from the couch and Marshal rolled his eyes at me. Maybe he was having homophobic thoughts again. "Do you have a problem with Justin or somthing."

He backed up and threw up his hands. "NO! Not at all, I just... I don't know."

I just accepted that this would be one of those things that didn't make sense to me.

Lilliana came running around the corner quickly. "Keaton... drop your date with Justin IMMEDIATELY."

"WHAT?! NO! Don't tell me you're jealous."

She made a gagging motion. "Definitely not anymore. Come look at this shit. He's been texting me nonstop."

Marshal and I ran into the dining room and stood over Lilliana's phone and read through the messages and the few pics he had sent her.

And HOLY FUCK he was a serious creep. "Lilliana delete that shit immediately. I'm going to kill that mother fucker. Keaton you can't go out with him."

"Yeah no shit. Definitely not going to now."

He sent her message after message of the creepiest shit I'd ever read.

"You're the cutest girl I've ever layed my eyes on," and, "come on don't ignore me," followed by, "come on baby you know you want this." Then he sent an unsolicited picture of his private parts.

Ten minutes ago I might have been interested in seeing his private parts but now that it was an unsolicited picture on my best friends phone I was no longer interested.

"No offense Keaton but I don't think your missing out on very much."

Lilliana deleted the image off her phone. "Yeah the most your missing is like 3 inches." She grins.

Marshal glared at her. "Eww Lilliana I don't want to hear you talking about penises."

I cackled. "Wow. Nah she's right though he really shouldn't be showing that thing off."

Marshal blushed. "He's just sad because he relates to the photo." She coughs. "Tiny dick boy."

He kicked her in the shin. "Eww you wouldn't know. You're my sister."

"There's nothing wrong with having a small dick Marshal. It's okay girls will still like you."

I laugh. "It's not small! Stop laughing Keaton! Want me to prove it?"

Don't say yes Keaton. DON'T SAY YES. "Eww no, keep it in your pants."

I sat back in the dining room chair defeated. "I was really hoping this thing with Justin was going somewhere."

Lilliana came up behind me and rubbed my back. "Hey it's okay. There are plenty of guys out there."

Marshal took my hand and drug me over to the sofa. "Hey let's go watch the polar express. I'll make hot chocolate. That'll keep your mind off of it."

The polar express I learned was his favorite Christmas movie. I tried ignore how good it felt everytime he leaned over to whisper somthing in my ear throughout the movie.

I really hoped Lilliana was oblivious to the massive crush I'd formed on her brother but by the way she kept glaring at me when she caught me staring at him instead of the screen I'd say she probably figured it out.

I Hate Marshal Yun (Boy × Boy)Where stories live. Discover now