Chapter Seven

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Keaton's POV:
Saturday morning I woke up to a very early text message on my phone. I quickly realized it was Marshal and saved him as "the other Yun" in my contacts.

He texted me to ask me if I wanted to go visit Lilliana this morning. Normally spending a Saturday with Marshal would make me gag but it really didn't sound to bad anymore.

I sent him a quick "Okay we can do that."

I waited impatiently for him to pull up, wondering if I was impatient to see Lilliana, or maybe if I were impatient to talk to Marshal. I brushed the second thought off. Maybe I was starting to see him as a friend. That was a dangerous thought though.

I quickly pull on a white nasa sweater and a pair of light wash and dark wash patchwork wide leg jeans followed by a pair of red vans and a black belt with silver rings on it.

I paired it all off with a red bucket hat and left my hair in fishtail braid off to the side. It was getting long, perhaps time for a trim.

When I got to the car Marshal rolled down the window and looked me up and down. "You look very put together today." I looked at what he was wearing, a pair of black jeans and a white t shirt with a small chain around his neck.

"And you look... like a bad boy." I blushed extremely hard at how that may have sounded but he chose to ignore my weirdness.

"If I didn't dress like this people would think somthing was wrong with me."

I laughed. "And if I didn't dress like this I would feel entirely wrong." He looked like he were deep in though, about what I didn't know.

I satdown in the car and buckled my seatbelt feeling his eyes on me. He was probably judging me again.

We played a game during the car ride that he called the "license plate challenge" where we had to shout out whenever we seen an out of state license plate and add up our total points.

It was clear that he had played this game before because he had noticed way more than half of the license plates before I did. It made the drive go by faster and much easier.

He was a good driver surprisingly. It made me feel safe with him behind the wheel. I was no where close to getting my license. I was way to easily distracted and overwhelmed by my surroundings.

We finally arrived at the hospital and were showed up to her room where she was sitting on her bed sitting criss cross staring at the wall. I wondered what she must be thinking about. "Lilliana are you thinking about boys again?"

"You know me to well bestie. Just kidding. Actually I was thinking about Marshals hocky game. I had a ticket to go see it with my mom and dad. Maybe you'll want it."

Marshal spoke up right away. "He probably has no interest in hocky."

"Well no not really but he could come tell me all about it after the game. I could see my boys again." She gave us both a poke on the arm and I gave in.

"That sounds like a good idea to me. If I get bored there is always stadium food to munch on." Marshal rolled his eyes.

"You won't get bored it's hocky. You'll get to see me in action on the ice. I like showing off." Then his face dropped and his expression was unreadable. "I'm nervous though. I've heard the panthers are ruthless and honestly I'm the smallest guy on the team."

I could tell he was a bit self conscious about his height. "You're not to short Marshal. You're like average height."

"Tell that to the gigantic dudes on the other team. You wouldn't understand You're taller than me."

I Hate Marshal Yun (Boy × Boy)Where stories live. Discover now