Chapter Eleven

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Keaton's POV:

For two weeks straight i went over to Marshal's house to take care of him and read him books.

His favorite of the books I read to him during that time had been "Fahrenheit 451", a book that was slightly out of my comfort zone but still gave me the chills every time I read it.

We talked endlessly about how scary accurate the authors thoughts about how the future would turn out were. When the author talked about "ear bees" Marshal yelled "Shut the actual fuck up. He's talking about Bluetooth ear buds bro!" Somthing about him calling me bro was uncomfortable though I'm not sure why because had Lilliana said it I would be fine.

I've enjoyed taking care of him and keeping him company. There's never been anyone else I could feel this relaxed and myself around except Lilliana. Except this felt different, deeper. He really got me. I could really feel all his emotions and understand his struggles and dreams.

Even school was going better once i was working with him for a while. We were no longer required to work together by our parents but at this point neither of us wanted it to end. Especially not me.

Our math grades both went up significantly, and were now both A's. I was proud of myself and of him for doing everything I knew he was Capeable of.

When I got to my math class on Thursday afternoon the teacher immediately assigned a packet of math problems. How delightful. Marshal grabbed my arm. "I claim you as my partner for today's assignment. You can argue but I'm smart so you probably won't."

I rolled my eyes and took my seat. "Well who else in this dreadful class would I want to work with?"

"Fair point."

I searched for a moment for a suitable conversation topic but Marshal beat me to it. "So, are you going to enroll in any career academies or college programs for your junior and senior years?"

I figured I should be thinking about these sort of things now that I've hit the midpoint of my sophomore year. I bet Marshal had all this stuff thought out when he was a sophomore too. Now that he's a junior he has bigger things to think about like scholarships.

I thought for a moment about my options and nothing came to mind. "Well there is no law academy unfortunately so I guess not."

"Law huh? That's right, Lilliana was telling me that you want to be a defence lawyer. You know your a great candidate for scholarships. You're smart, got the grades, and there's probably tons of scholarships out there for people with disabilities."

There it was the topic of my Autism, the one I don't like talking about. "Oh yeah... right."

"You're frowning, you never frown. I must have said somthing wrong."

"I don't like talking about my Autism, and I don't like being called disabled." He reached out and patted my shoulder.

"Ok I'm sorry we'll just talk about somthing else. Uh... college."

"Okay Marshal, what do you want to go to college for?"

He answered without hesitation. "Easy hocky."

I smiled and poked his hand. "I like how passionate you are about hocky. It is one of my favorite things about you."

He blushed and I assumed it was because he wasn't used to compliments like that.

"Keaton can I talk to you about somthing that's been bothering me?"

"Yes, you can tell me anything because we're friends now."

He hesitated for a moment. "I've been using... cocain, and drinking and I want to quit before it messes with my chance to get onto a college team."

I can feel his discomfort like perhaps he's worried I might get him in serious trouble. "I'll do some research on addiction. Does anyone know your using?"

"My parents have caught me before. That's why they won't allow any of my so called friends into the house because they know they have been providing me with the drugs."

"You will get through this I promise you okay? I know you are a strong person. There's no better time to quit than now while your away from them while your healing from your injuries."

After class once I wheeled Marshal to his next class I went immediately to the councilors office. In the office they keep resources out so that anyone who needs them can grab them without having to explain themselves to an adult. I went immediately to the section labeled addiction and grabbed every pamphlet available.

I at the end of the period I picked up Marshal from his class and handed him the pamphlets. "There are addresses and phone numbers in here. I thought you might want these."

He looked down at them for a moment in silence and then looked up at me and reached his arms out. "Hug me please."

He stood up for a moment out of his chair and leaned into me and we wrapped our arms around eachother. It was warm and he felt solid beneath my arms like someone I wanted to protect me. We held onto eachother and neither of us wanted to let go.

The feeling of his muscles made me shiver and I knew that him being my straight guy friend was going to challenge me like nothing else.

Remain neutral Keaton. Do not fall. Do not enjoy this. But that was the problem, I was already falling I'd realized. I was already enjoying being in his embrace more than I know I should have.

Why do I always crush on straight boys? Marshal is a HETEROSEXUAL. His love is not for you Keaton. He could never understand. He would hate me if he knew, and that would certainly be the end of our friendship.

I texted him at the end of the day when I opened my school email and got a surprise. It would give me somthing to think about other than him. Even tho he's the one I chose to text first. "Marshal guess what?"

"What. Did I guess right? Lol."

I sent an eye roll emoji. "I made National Honors Society! I just got the email rn."

"Holy fucking shit no way! I'm so proud of you. We have to celebrate! Let me take you out to dinner on Friday night."

"You don't have to do that."

"You deserve it though."

"Fine but only because I like you."

"I like you too."

And then he sent a heart emoji and my heart may have skipped a beat.

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