Chapter 8: The Rage of Hatred

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Chapter 8: The Rage Of Hatred
Jayden's P.O.V.

Syd was problematic, vexed.

I knew it, it existed the very first day I met her, afraid and pained and depressed; mixed emotions filled her eyes.

She pulled my hand and held my wrist tightly, it felt like she never wanted to let go. I followed behind, silently and obediently.

Maybe someone was spitting nasty comments at her again.

I didn't know how that felt because I'm not her, but I do now for a fact that it was painful. To be a best friend and watch your best friend getting hurt, pushed around and hated on. And as someone who cared for her, I tried everything I've got but it never seemed to work.

She pulled my wrist with the same strong grip for the past few minutes when I followed her obediently. We walked across the courtyard, avoiding the grassy field because our principal would send us to detention if we did. Lacy clouds hung above our heads but the sun wanted to hide away for the day, it was feeling sympathetic for Sydney as well.

She pressed the large door handle of Block 2 and we both slipped in before the door shut. We walked to the end of the block, finding an exit in the quiet building, while normal teenagers drone in the class halls with boring monotonous lectures. We exit the block and she finally loosened her grip.

Her fingers left red marks on my skin but it didn't hurt. She walked towards a shady tree, specifically the one which she had been sitting under for the past few years when she was reading, and stopped in front of the tree. I followed her, inching closer and closer to her but making sure that my shoes don't squeak at this bitter moment.

She sat on the grass under the tree, cross-legged, and buried her face into her hands.

"Sydney?" I asked, using formality, hoping to make the tension between us disappear.

"Don't," she said, muffled.

I felt a little shocked to hear her say that. She'd usually open up to me, about everything. She won't say anything to reject me from hearing her out. But this time, she did.


" I've had enough, Jayden," she cut me off, looking at me in the eye with red tired eyes, whilst using formality as a reply," You know what it's like, to have to world to hate on someone who hates herself enough already but she can't do anything about it? Do you know what it's like?"

A tear slipped out of her eye, and slid down her rosy cheeks.

I looked down, knowing I don't. I was coping with life and I had it in my hand, she's a different story. No one says anything about me, but they say everything about her. No one tries to insult me with hatred, but they throw arrows of harsh words to her heart.

"No, I don't," I muttered and sat next to her below the shady tree," But I'll tell you something. Pain chooses the people who deserves it the least."

"You don't say," she chuckled, sniffling.

"But people like Kiela deserve it but it doesn't choose her and she was crowned to be 'perfection and flawless' but let me tell you this. 'Mrs. Perfect' was too perfect she didn't understand pain, so she isn't so perfect after all, is she?" I smirked.

She smiled and let out a breathy agreement with a brief nod.

Just then, I heard the grass ruffle that gradually got louder until a pair of blue-white sneakers appear in front of our faces.

We looked up, and I wasn't surprise when I saw that person.


"Sydney, I-" Damien stammered.

"Fuck off, Damien!" Sydney screamed.

"Sydney I need to-"

"For fuck's sake, Damien, I don't need to know anything right now! You play with my fucking feelings, one day you're here and another day you're not. Then suddenly you appear out of nowhere, trying to save the fucking day when you ruin it. That's all you know how to do to me."

I was surprised, Sydney really sounded like she had enough. Her voice was shaking and tears furiously bled down her cheeks as she breathed heavily. Damien had her eyes on her, in shock, and he couldn't peel his wide eyes off her.

"I-" he stammered again.

"How's it when you finally got what you wanted from a bully victim, leaving her with nothing left? Just fuck off, Damien and please fucking stop. I don't know what your intentions are, but I don't like the confusion I get because of you! You bullied me for years and now you come and change everything. I don't want anymore 'I's and 'you's from you. Just fucking stay away from me. I've had enough of you. I'd rather die if your presence seeks me again," Sydney ended her sentence firmly and ran away, she choked on her soft sobs as she headed far from where Damien and I were.

Sydney's favorite shady tree, had become the tree she threw her hate at.

And I threw my hate at Damien and scowled at him. He stood there, speechless to what he heard. I knew it was something to do with Damien, and that's what I hated the most. Especially, that despicable name.

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and growled," You, are going to fucking deal with me."


Hiya, romancers!

So apparently, I have a few friends hating me for making the ships in this book so difficult (sorry not sorry) but I want make it feel the emotions to be mixed cause... Okay, you know what? I almost spit out the whole story through that sentence.


Anyways, I wrote this chapter like a month ago and it's going to rot in my drafts if I leave it here any longer

Like/ Comment/ Share it! :) thanks!

Also, a big thank you to @/calpuccino for the cover!

Your dorky author,


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