Chapter 12: Blindfolded

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Chapter Dedications :
Chapter 12: Blindfolded
Sydney's P.O.V.

I woke up to the annoying beeping sounds my alarm clock made that echoed in my room. I groaned and hit the top of the alarm clock without guessing where the snooze button was. After 5 smashes that made my alarm clock jump from my wooden bedside table, I had finally hit the correct button.

I pulled off my duvet and opened my eyes. Damn, school. I used to love school and devote myself into the classes I had, but the bullies and Damien and his stupid girlfriend just annoys me. I shivered at the thought that the first thing I was thinking about this morning was horrible outcomes of school.

I woke up and saw sprawled folds on my bedsheets that were obviously made by Jayden. I rubbed my eyes, jumped out of bed and I saw a blue sticky note that was stuck to my desk.

I peeled it off and read it out softly to myself, it read:

" Good morning, sleepyhead :)
You were sleeping so soundly, I didn't want to disturb you.
I headed home to take a shower and get ready for school.
I'll see you there, aight?

From: Yours truly, Jayden Carter :) "

I giggled at how Jay addressed himself. It was funny because he had never addressed himself with his full name, like ever. He only did it when it was necessary, like wh-

"Sydney!" I heard a muffled shout that came from downstairs," Get ready for school!"

"Yep, on it, mom!"

I stood in front of the poster that was pinned on the school's bulletin board.

I sighed and stared at it. Prom. Great.

I literally have never experienced this ever, in my life. I've never had a date, never attended a prom where every guy holds the girls' waist and sway their hips side to side together at the same time, following the song, with outfits that made it look like everyone was going to start marrying each other. That was prom. Such a blissful thought. "Blissful".

The bell rung and snapped me out of my deep thoughts.

Eh, whatever. I don't really care about prom or dates anyways, not my forte. I shrugged and concluded my thoughts.

Trigonometry, one of my favorite subjects.

I ran up the stairs, turned to the first left corner and found a seat for class.

I walked up to the middle of the class and pushed myself into a random free seat.

I felt bored. I loved Trigonometry but everything that our teacher had scribbled all over the board and explained for the past 15 minutes, was what I learned last month. I did extra studying at home and I was a month ahead of everyone else.

I sunk into my seat and looked around the class. My stomach growled hungrily, it sounded like a mating call but thank God our teacher was talking. I could've sworn, she saved my life with her monotonous voice.

I feel a vibration from the pocket of my jeans and I fished out for my phone.

I logged into my phone and went to my messages.

I received a new message from the one-and-only yours truly, that's what he calls himself when he becomes an egoistical bastard but I still love him as he is, Jayden Carter.

"Sydney Addison Harper, you owe me some of your time considering that you snoozed off yesterday. But today, I'm taking you ;) Meet me at the exit of Block B, enjoy Trig. class, sucker!"

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