7 - The Sorting Ceremony

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The humongous double doors to the great hall swung open and revealed the crowded, buzzing room. All eyes were on the pack of us as we made our way both anxiously and wonderstruck to the front of the Great Hall, taking in all our new, incredible surroundings. Ced and the older Weasley's had all told us about Hogwarts and I'd dreamed of what it would look like. We were finally here.

We crowded around the platform by the professors. I looked back, looking around at the kids in the different tables, looking frivolously through each of them, biting my lip nervously. Then finally I saw him. Cedric was waving to me from the Hufflepuff table and I took a deep breath and smiled at him, waving back. I felt better knowing he was there. I turned around again.

McGonagall stood beside a stool with an old, brown, saggy looking hat placed on it. She opened a scroll in her hands and cleared her throat. 'Leila Baker.'

A tall lanky girl with long light brown braids tied with ribbons on the ends and square glasses made her way to the stool. I could see her visibly shaking the whole way up. She sat on the stool and McGonagall placed the hat on her head. Not more than ten seconds later, the hat yelled in a raspy tone, 'Hufflepuff!'

I jumped. 'It actually flaming speaks.'

'What were you expecting?' Fred chuckled.

'A paper to spit out the top with the house written down?' George teased.

'I guess I wasn't sure actually,' I admitted.

Leila ran over to the Hufflepuff table, where Cedric and his friends greeted her.

I bumped the twins on the arm. 'Hey, would you guys prefer Hufflepuff or Gryffindor?' I asked them. 'My brother or yours?'

They shrugged. 'Whichever.'

My heart started to flutter with nerves. Why was this so important? It was just a house. A group of people. A dormitory, not a prison. But without the twins...my best friends...it might as well have been.

A few other students were called, as I was too nervous to pay attention, in my own head.

'Angelina Johnson,' McGonagall called.

Angelina smiled at me on her way up. 'You got this,' I smiled back at her, and she nodded, which seemingly eased her nerves a bit.

Angelina took a seat delicately on the stool with her legs crossed. When the hat began to mumble above her, she looked up at it, frightened. It contemplated for a minute and then shouted, 'Gryffindor!'

Angelina smiled gleefully and bounced down the steps, over to the Gryffindor table, high fiving me on the way.

A boy named Lee Jordan was called up right after Angelina and was sorted into Gryffindor, too. Several Ravenclaws in a row, a handful of Slytherins, some Hufflepuffs, and one other Gryffindor girl.

'Adrienne Potter.'

I froze. My eyes widened with fear as I heard a low roar of whispers emanating behind me.

'Go!' The twins hissed, pushing me forward as I stumbled. I walked the rest of the way up to the stool and sat on it as McGonagall placed the hat on my head. It immediately started to move! My mouth gaped as a gasp escaped.

'Interesting...very interesting...' it muttered. I crossed my eyes upward to try to look at it as my heart raced. 'I see intellect. Immense intellect. But there's more...there's also...kindness. The desire for others' happiness. And power...so much power...and willingness to grow. I believe...no. Wait...I sense an overwhelming amount of strength as well. Hmm...a need to protect...shield from danger. Yes, yes...must be...Gryffindor!'

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