16 - Quidditch Practice

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The next morning I awoke to my roommate Nell's pillow smacking me in the face. 'Get up,' She grumbled. I shot up in bed, gasping. She walked back to her bed sleepily and flopped back into her bed, her long black hair smushing against her face. My ears caught the sound of my alarm clock going off as I started to wake up and become aware of my surroundings. I smacked the top of the clock and the beeping stopped. I laid back down on my pillow looking up at the ceiling.

Saturday. Hogsmeade. Fred and George. Mirror Passage. 10 am.

I rolled back over onto my stomach, hugging my pillow with one arm. My eyes fluttered open, peering at the clock and shutting again briefly before shooting open. It was 9:50! I had made such a big deal about the boys being late and now I was probably going to be the late one.

I fell out of bed as Nell shushed me. 'Sorry,' I whispered. I jolted open my drawers and grabbed the first pair of jeans and top I could wrap my fingers around, and threw the rest of my clothes on. I wrapped my hair in a bun and ran my toothbrush over my teeth in record time before bolting down the dorm stairs and through the painting.

When I finally got to the corridor it was 10:01 am and the twins were waiting for me with their arms crossed, tapping their feet.

'Well, Miss Potter,' Fred said, pretending to sound serious.

'We've been waiting for hours,' George said in the same joking tone.

'And where have you been?'

'Sleeping, I presume?'

'Come of it,' I chuckled, still somewhat groggily. 'My brain doesn't understand it's awake yet.'

They smirked and gave in. 'Oversleep?' George asked as Fred started to open the passageway.

I nodded. 'I woke up to a lovely soft fluffy smack in the face from Nell's pillow.'

'She's a feisty one,' Fred grimaced.

'Only when you disturb her...' I sighed. 'Which...I incidentally tend to do a lot.'

The mirror shifted slightly and revealed a small section for us to step through. Fred stepped in first and then George gestured for me to follow in after his brother. 'Ladies, first.' I smiled at him and went through. Once George was inside the dark tunnel, the mirror closed. Fred, being in front, fumbled through his jacket to get his wand out.

'Ow, that was my eye!' I recoiled, covering my stinging eyeball.

'Hold up, Ads. Too dark. I can't hear ya,' he said. I heard his wand flick. 'Lumos.' The tip of his wand illuminated, revealing the three of us in the dark passageway, and me covering my left eye. 'Sorry about that.' I raised my eyebrows at him and nodded as we started journeying through the tunnel.

'Everything go alright with Ced last night?' George asked.

'Yeah!' I exclaimed, rubbing my eye and squinting as I removed my hand from my face. 'He admitted that he inadvertently got a bit jealous seeing Harry around and apologized for being so distant. But...we're okay now.'

'Good,' the twins echoed.

'He's not the bloke to hold grudges,' Fred said.

'Or cause drama,' George added.

'So we were confused by the odd behavior.'

'We might have nudged him a bit. Ow!'

George rubbed his arm after being another victim of Fred's elbow, but this time seemingly on purpose.

'What?' I asked.

George sighed, glaring at Fred briefly. 'We just thought you could use his help.'

'But we weren't going to mention it,' Fred grumbled.

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