12 - Jet Black Hair and An Avalanche of Betrayal

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The next year, dad made a point of taking me and Cedric to meet the train, which usually he had Molly and Arthur do because he had to work. But he'd specifically gotten the day off and made us get there insanely early. I didn't understand what the big deal was. It was only my third year, and Ced's fourth. He didn't even drop us off either of our first years.

He was sort of looking over his shoulder the entire time we were on the platform, towards the entrance. There was barely anyone there yet. It was only a quarter past ten. I had already dragged my trunks into the train and found a compartment for me and the twins to sit in, and Ced had done the same for him and his friends. Dad was now taking the remaining time to say his goodbyes. Cedric and I exchanged a glance.

'Dad?' I asked as he hugged us both so tight I could barely breathe. 'Dad, you're suffocating me.' He let go and brushed us off, smiling at us. I swear I could almost see tears behind his eyes.

'I'm sorry, dears,' he said. 'Just...you're growing up, you two. Both teenagers now. Big things are going to come your way as you grow up.' He sighed. 'My little quidditch stars, little geniuses. I'm so proud of you both and I love you so much. I just...I want you to know that. No matter...no matter what happens. No matter what...either of you get up to.' He eyed me. 'The number of letters I've received about the things you get up to.' I smirked. Dad pulled us in for another hug. 'Your mother would be so proud of you, too. I get so lost without her sometimes. She was so much better at the parenting thing than I am.'

'That's not true, dad,' Ced wheezed. Dad let go and straightened us out after his hug. 'You're a wonderful father.' We smiled at him as he sniffed.

'Just...look after your sister, Ced. Okay?' Dad asked.

'I promise,' he nodded.

Dad kissed us each on the head and then left. Ced and I made our way onto the almost deserted Hogwarts Express. 'What was that all about?' I sighed.

'What, dad's not allowed to get a little sentimental sometimes?' Ced teased, bumping my arm.

I rolled my eyes at him. 'No, I guess he is.'

We stopped in front of the compartment that he'd claimed for himself and his friends. 'But he's right, Ads. If you need anything, you know you can come to me, right?'

'I know,' I chuckled, nerves protruding through. 'What's gotten into you guys today?' He smiled back nervously and I went to sit and wait for the twins in our compartment.


At the sorting ceremony that night once we arrived at Hogwarts, I sat in between Fred and George, with Percy across from us.

'So he gets us to the platform before everyone else and then starts acting all sentimental,' I recalled, explaining to the Weasley's. 'I'm so proud of you two, you're growing up, big things are coming your way. Whenever we're not at school, we're at your house because he can never tear himself away from the oh so spectacular magical creatures. What's so special now that didn't compare to dropping us off for our first years? Or any other year? Or literally taking any other day off work?' I buried my face in my arms upon the table with a huff. 'Did he just now decide he wants to be our father?'

I felt identical hands on my back. 'I think he's trying to show you that he does care,' George offered.

'Yeah, like, he does spend most of his time at work. But that's something that he needs to do. Maybe he likes his job a little too much,' Fred added.

'But that doesn't mean he doesn't care about you.'

'And I think he maybe gets scared sometimes?'

I lifted my head out of my arms and looked at Fred. 'Scared?'

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