6 - Pie for Dinner

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I stepped off the Hogwarts express at the school station with the twins behind me and we immediately caught a glimpse of the castle in the distance. We stood in the middle of the crowd, people bumbling past, in awe of the spectacle before us.

'That's it,' I marveled. 'We're actually here.'

The three of us nodded together, mesmerized.

'Adrienne!' I heard from behind me.

'Maybe not,' I sighed, and swiveled on my feet. It was Charlie Weasley. 'Oi, Charlie.'

He came up to the three of us in his Gryffindor robes with his prefect badge pinned to the top. 'Dumbledore asked me to find you before your boat ride,' he explained.

My eyes widened. They were rejecting my letter, sending me home. I knew it! 'Is this because of the, um,' I cleared my throat, glancing up at the twins, and then back at Charlie. 'Sugar high on the train?'

Charlie pressed his lips together and scrunched his mouth to the side. 'I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about,' he admitted.

I sighed with relief. 'Oh, thank goodness,' I exhaled, latching onto George's arm next to me, stabilizing myself.

'Dumbledore would just like to speak with you before the ceremony, is all. Nothing bad. But urgent, yes,' he emphasized, peering at the twins who looked like guilty puppies. 'When you reach the boat house, he'll be waiting for you. Older bloke, long white tied beard, half moon glasses. You can't miss him.'

'Thanks, Char,' I said as we parted ways, walking with the twins towards the boats with the other first years.

'What do you think Dumbledore wants to see me about?'

The twins stumbled on their words, trying to come up with an answer. 'Too many first years,' Fred blurted.

'They have to send you back.' George and I gave him questioning looks.

'Really, Fred? That's the best you could flaming come up with?' George hissed, smacking him.

'Do you two...know something? Are you keeping something from me?' I asked, glaring at them intently.

'No! Course not!" George answered a little too quickly.

'What would we know that you don't?' Fred asked.

I twisted my face, thinking. Then finally, once I couldn't come up with anything, I shrugged. 'I guess you're right. Why you gotta be so weird sometimes?'

I caught the twins glaring at each other as we stepped into the boat together.

'Is there room for one more?' A girl with dark hair and skin came over to our boat. 'Seems like everywhere else is full up.'

I scooched over and patted the space next to me with a warm smile. She sat down beside me hesitantly but friendly.

'I'm Adrienne. Those two tosspots back there are Fred and George,' I introduced.

She waved to the boys behind us. 'Angelina,' she said quietly.

The boats set sail with a huge man named Hagrid leading the lot and we gradually got closer and closer to the beautiful castle.

'I'm so excited. I hope I get a good house.'

'As long as I'm not Slytherin and I'm with them, it doesn't matter to me what house we get,' I admitted.

'Maybe we'll be together too,' Angelina said hopefully. 'It'd be nice to have some introductions already squared away.'

The boys kept smacking each other in the back, making the boat rock gently.

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