18 - A Family Sport

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About a week later, I sat in the Quidditch changing room with the rest of the team on the benches in front of the chalkboard Oliver stood in front of

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About a week later, I sat in the Quidditch changing room with the rest of the team on the benches in front of the chalkboard Oliver stood in front of. I had my broom in hand with my scarlet Quidditch robes and jumper on to keep me warm.

'Alright, men,' Oliver cleared his throat.

'Ehem?' I said.

'And women,' Oliver added. 'This is it.'

'The big one,' said Fred.

'The one we've all been waiting for,' George exclaimed.

'If everyone would stop interrupting?' Oliver asked. We nodded at him and he continued. 'This is the best team we've had for years. I know we can win. So get out there and play some Quidditch! Good luck, all of you.'

We made our way as a team out onto the field. Since it was the first game of the season, everyone was especially enthusiastic in the stands. The players from each team flew around the field psyching the fans up before Hooch called us over to get in our starting positions in the center of the pitch. I high fived the twins on my way over, taking my place in between Alicia and Angelina.

'Now, I want a nice fair game from all of you,' Hooch insisted, as she eyed Marcus Flint, the captain of the Slytherin team. She set the balls loose and then finally threw the quaffle up in the air with a loud blast of her whistle. I dove for it and smacked into Adrian Pucey, the mid-field chaser for the Slytherin team. I heard him snarl into my ear as the quaffle slipped into my arms, grasping it in my left arm as the other held tight to my broom.

My broom was no nimbus 2000, it was a clean sweep six, an older model broom, once my mum's. But Oliver and Charlie had made me mid chaser anyway because of the speeds I could reach without a fancy broomstick. I plowed into boy Adrian's arm, passing him and flying up the field towards his keeper at the goalpost. Adrian was trailing behind me, gaining on me. I looked to either side. Cassius and Marcus were on Angelina and Alicia and there was no way I could pass to them without forfeiting the quaffle to either boy.

Adrian came up behind me as a bludger edged closer to my face. I gasped, barrel rolling and throwing the quaffle mid flip to Angelina as boy Adrian got a bludger to the gut, falling behind in my pursuit. The quaffle was thrown further than Angelina, towards the stands in order to prevent Cassius from catching it immediately. She flew around the spectators stand with Cassius lagging behind her. Coming around the other side, nearing the goalposts and Miles Bletchley's guard of the three rings with no clear shot, Angelina quickly threw the quaffle back to me. With a clear shot in the center of the posts, and Miles having been guarding the far left one to prepare for Angelina's shot, he was now out of position. I shot on the far right hoop and the buzzer went off.

'Keeper Bletchey dives, and misses! Adrienne Potter scores! 10 points for Gryffindor!' Lee shouted, commentating the match. Half the fans in the stands cheered, the red side, as there were only muffled sounds of complaints from the green supporters.

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