11 - Quidditch Tryouts

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'Listen up everyone! We're going to be running through some drills. Don't stress, please. We're all here to have fun, and Quidditch...is very fun. So let's do it!' Charlie clapped his hands together excitedly.

'Chap seems nervous,' Fred whispered to us.

'Definitely straining to have fun,' George agreed.

'Oh, come on. He's doing fine,' I insisted.

'I think I see sweat beads,' Fred said.

'On his forehead.'

'Dripping down.'

'He's a mess.'

'You two are impossible sometimes,' I chuckled.

'It's part of our charm,' they grinned back, as I shook my head at them.

An older boy in front of us turned around and saw me. He scoffed. 'Well if it isn't the Potter girl. How's Lolly?' His spiteful words rang through my ears but my eyes told me that's not what he'd said.

'Lolly? I'm sure she's fine,' I said, as my face twisted in confusion.

'Lolly? What's a Lolly?' He cackled. 'What did You-Know-Who curse you with?'

'Pack it in, Barnes,' Fred growled.

'Don't be like that,' George warned.

'Oh, look, Potter. You've got yourself some boyfriends!' Barnes teased.

'Listen here, Burns!' Fred shouted.

'Beaters, here! Chasers on this side, please! Keepers and Seekers, this way.'' Charlie bellowed over the tryout participants.

Barnes sneered and walked away.

'Well at least he's trying out for keeper,' George sighed.

'So he won't be trying to sabotage you or owt,' Fred added.

I nodded, watching him walk away. 'What did he ask me, anyway?'

The twins looked at each other, as if trying to formulate an answer. They eventually shrugged at me. 'Probably something stupid,' George offered.

'Like him,' Fred agreed.

I smirked, accepting their insufficient answer. 'Been a year since those doxies and I still can't make out what people ask sometimes,' I groaned.

'Don't worry about it,' Fred assured.

'It's usually random people,' George said.

'You can understand us just fine, right?'

'And we're all that really matter.'

I chuckled, rolling my eyes at them. They were right, but I wasn't going to show it too much. We started to walk in our separate ways, Fred and George towards the beaters and I towards the other chasers.

'Don't miss us too much!'

'You wish,' I scoffed, sticking my tongue out at them, as they reciprocated.

I made it to the chasers' side and found Angelina and Alicia and we stuck together while I was without my minions.

Charlie came around and split us into two groups, team A and team B. Angelina, Alicia, and I were put on team A as chasers and the twins were assigned to team B as beaters. Charlie took my group while Oliver took the others and they each showed their respective teams the basics of the game and ran through some warm ups. Then they got us in position to face off in a scrimmage. I glared playfully at the twins from my starting position.

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