30 - Team Potter

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It'd been two days since I'd found Harry battling our D.A.D.A. professor in the chamber under the third floor of the school. Professor Dumbledore had helped us, Hermione, and Ron get out and brought us to the hospital wing so Madame Pomphrey could look over Ron and Harry. She even tried to fuss over me, but I insisted I was fine and to focus on the boys. Ron woke up the next morning, after Madame Pomphrey had attended to a few cuts, and was discharged soon after. But Harry had yet to wake up.

I hadn't left Harry's side since carrying him all the way up from the chamber and into the bed two days prior. Fred, George, and Cedric had all come to check on me, bring me food, and try to distract me. Ron and Hermione had also come to visit Harry. They'd all brought gifts for him as well, mostly candy. However, not all of them had been approved by Madame Pomphrey, as the twins had tried to sneak a toilet seat in. Naturally, that didn't slide. They returned the seat to Myrtle's bathroom.

Late in the day, I was reading in the chair next to Harry's infirmary bed. I was scanning through two books at once, one on each knee as I sat cross legged on the chair. One book called Powers You Never Knew You Had and What To Do With Them Now You've Wised Up and the other called Weird Wizarding Dilemmas and Their Solutions, trying to figure out how Harry and I had made Quirrell's skin blister and burn at our touch. I hadn't found any solutions yet, much to one of the book's promises. Then, almost as if my mind was being read, I heard, 'you won't find what you're looking for in there.'

I looked up and saw Professor Dumbledore at the foot of Harry's bed, sifting through all of his gifts and taking a Bertie Bott's jelly bean in his mouth. He shrugged indecisively. 'Toast,' he said, as he started to smile, as I gave in and smiled back at him. He came around and sat on the empty bed beside me. 'Those books can be helpful, yes. For the average witch or wizard and what they may consider weird or unusual. But this is not the case for you and Harry, Adrienne.'

I sighed disheartenedly, closing the books and putting them on the bedside table. 'Why would I ever think my problems would be normal,' I grumbled.

Dumbledore gave me a thin hopeful smile. 'Ask whatever questions you have and I shall be honest,' he offered.

I cocked my head at him with a deep breath. 'You promise you'll be honest this time?' I asked.

'Yes, it is time now,' he assured with a smile on his face and a single nod.

'Why?' I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. 'Why is it time now? Why not when we talked before?'

'Because, Adrienne. Now things are in order as they must be,' he explained. 'And you have proven to me that you are ready.'

'Ready for what, professor?'

'For the natural order and for answers,' he said. I looked at him with a puzzled expression as he chuckled. 'Adrienne, you know Harry defeated Voldemort that night at Godric's Hollow, yes? The night he became the chosen one.' I nodded. 'Well, you see, Harry may get all the fame and have the responsibility of being the one to defeat Voldemort once again some day, but he's not the only special Potter.'

My brow furrowed with confusion as I shook my head. 'What do you mean, professor?'

'He may be the chosen one, yes. But you're his older sister. And while you may not have been Voldemort's target, what I said before was true. The bit of spell that pulsed through the house that night would have killed you had it not been for your mother and her sacrifice. For both of her children. You're not like Harry. You can't be the one to grow up and defeat Voldemort. But someone has to protect Harry through all of the trials he'll face along the way. And that's how you're special, Adrienne.'

'Me? No. I don't think so. I'm not special. I...I'm...I'm just like everyone else.'

Dumbledore gave a reassuring smile drawing in a deep breath. 'All along, I've been planning for this, since before that night at Godric's Hollow.'

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