13 - The Letter

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The next day at lunch, I sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall with Fred and George across from me. We had our books in front of us with the work assigned to us for our new classes we'd had so far that morning, but for the first time in two years, the boys were the ones getting work done while I was distracted.

'This Divination homework is a load of rubbish,' Fred huffed.

'10 predictions, more like 10 wishes,' George agreed.

'But at least it will be an easy class.'

'Or an easy nap.'

'Hopefully magical creatures will be better this afternoon.'

'Kettleburn's supposed to be exciting, I hear.'

'You'll probably ace that class, Ads.'

'With your dad and owt.'

'Have a one up on everyone.'


George snapped his fingers in front of my face and I jumped. 'What?' I asked, diverting my gaze from Harry down the table to him and Fred.

'You alright?' They asked.

I took a deep breath and nodded. 'Yeah.'

They looked down the table and saw Harry and Ron sitting together.

'You going to talk to him at some point?' Fred asked.

'Don't know,' I said. 'Everytime I think about it I get nauseous.' I looked at him again and sighed. 'He's sitting there, not more than ten feet from me, and he doesn't know who I am.' I groaned, burying my face in my hands. 'He's flaming alive.'

'If you want help talking to him,' Fred said.

'We could help,' George offered.

'He's obviously latched onto Ron.'

'So he's not a git.'

'Maybe Ron would introduce you.'

'Or at least help start the conversation.'

I lifted my face and looked at them with irritation. 'What am I supposed to tell him? Yep, sorry, everyone lied to me about your existence and I have no idea why. Even my best friends lied to me. Nope, haha, that doesn't hurt at all!'

'We weren't allowed to tell ya, Ads,' Fred sighed.

'Mum and dad's orders,' George added.

'We wanted to.'

'But we wanted you to be happy.'

'And not have to worry about it.'

'Until it just exploded like a huge bomb of lies!' I exclaimed.

The twins looked genuinely sorry but I felt too overwhelmed to forgive them just yet.

There was a puff of black smoke and a corresponding pop. Everyone looked down the table to see one of the new first years, a loud Irish boy named Seamus, had exploded his transfiguration homework. Everyone laughed except the three of us.

'Exactly like that,' I pointed and Fred and George nodded sympathetically.

Squawks came from the ceiling then and the owls with deliveries from the owlery swooped down, dropping mail to their owners. Lolly flew over to me and dropped a letter and a small bag. She landed on my books for her payment, a head scratch, as she kicked out her leg each time euphorically, and then she flew back to the owlery. I opened the letter, it was from dad.

Dear Adrienne, it read. By the time you read this, your world will probably make little sense and you will likely have more questions than you will even realize.

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