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Hel-ga Huff-le-puff. I tapped the barrel with my wand and the lid swung open, revealing the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room. I walked through and into the warm yellow flowery room.

'Hi Addy!' 'Adddaaaayyyy!' 'Oi, Adrienne!' I snickered with the number of greetings I received from all the random Hufflepuffs. Between letting myself in so much as if this were my own dormitory and the fact that this was actually Cedric's house dorm, with all of his friends, I was a known quantity. I waved to the familiar faces and scurried up to the 4th year boys' dorms, knocking on the open door.

Ced was packing his trunk with the pile of clothes on his bed. He turned around with the knock and half smiled when he saw my face, then turned back to his task. 'Ah, if it isn't the little prankster. Nice display in the Great Hall earlier,' he chuckled, throwing clothes into his trunk haphazardly and unfolded.

'What?' I gasped mockingly. 'That couldn't possibly have been us. That was obviously Peeves.'

'And where would Peeves have gotten all that supplies?' Ced asked back in the same tone.

'Probably stole it all from Filch's office,' I nodded.

'Well...then Peeves did a good job,' Cedric winked. 'Quite entertaining.'

I smiled at him. 'I'm sure he thanks you.' I looked down at his trunk, taking my wand out, and flicking it at his clothes, watching the rest of the pile on the bed drop into his trunk. 'Let's go! This room is way too bright.' I looked around in disgust at the overly yellow washed room.

Cedric chuckled. 'It's bright and cheery,' he argued.

'I'm losing precious eye cells by the second. Hop to it!' I clapped my hands, pretending to act like Percy in his notable stiff mannerism.

'Coming, your majesty,' Cedric groaned playfully. He mumbled as he flicked his wand at his closed trunk as it lifted into the air and started hovering behind him. 'After you.' We started making our way down the dormitory stairs and upstairs. Then Cedric immediately turned to go out the main doors towards the outside courtyard and to the station. I pulled his arm as he swiveled back into the castle and followed me towards the Great Hall. 'Why here?'

'I left my things in here,' I said. He nodded. The room was now decorated after our unclaimed prank. Garland lined the room, and 12 Christmas trees, all dragged in by Hagrid, were spread across the front of the room. A group of students sat at the far end of each table, those who were staying for the winter break. We made our way down to the kids at my table and found all four Weasley's and Harry. Fred and George were sitting on my trunk on the bench. I looked around at the professor's table. Dumbledore was the only one around and he wasn't paying attention. I smirked and mumbled, 'wingardium leviosa,' at my trunk, flicking my wand, and watched as the trunk as well as the twins lifted into the air. The boys panicked and grabbed a hold of the sides, but after a second, began to enjoy the ride.

'Off, I need it,' I laughed. I lowered the trunk and they slid off the front of it, coming over and smothering me with a giant hug.

'Twin sandwich!' They exclaimed, as we all laughed.

'Guys, it's just two weeks!' I assured them. '14 days and then I'll be right back here for more shenanigans with my favorite twins.' We pulled away and then they sighed in unison, nodding reluctantly.

'We were planning on finding Quirrell later today,' Fred grinned mischievously.

'And maybe involving him in a snowball fight,' George said excitedly.

'Without consulting him first,' they giggled as I joined in.

'Just don't shake him up too much. He seems like the jumpy, anxious type,' I said, and they nodded vigorously. 'And don't have too much fun without me, you hear!'

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