27 - Shark

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'But why do I have to give it to him?' Ron groaned, holding a medium sized gold goblet in his hand in the Great Hall.

'Because if it's any of us three, he's gonna know something's up,' Fred answered.

'He'd be less likely to suspect you,' George said.

'And we already did most of the work,' I added. 'Nearly got chewed up by a bloody bicorn for its horn!'

'Just make sure he doesn't see that you have an extra cup,' Fred reminded.

'His nose is so far into his books I'm surprised it's not attached!' Ron gawked. He sighed, gaining his composure. 'Fine. Just remember, you owe me sweets from honeydukes.' He pointed at us as we nodded eagerly for him to go. Then he carefully walked over to Percy down the table, who was working very diligently on an essay by himself. Fred, George and I pretended to be engaged in a conversation of our own, eating our late lunch, while Harry watched the interaction between Ron and Percy unfold.

'Ron's going over right now,' he told us, looking over very discreetly. 'He's sitting down with Percy, immediately setting down the cup in the middle of the table next to the other. Percy's looking up at him now, they're talking. Ron looks nervous, and Percy looks kind of annoyed that Ron's bothering him, but he doesn't look suspicious yet. He's looking back down at his work. Ron's taking Percy's cup. He's taking a drink from it, so he doesn't look suspicious. Now he's getting up. He's coming back over. Ok, ok, I think we're in the clear.'

Ron scampered back over with Percy's water cup and slid it on the table as he exhaled deeply, taking a seat next to Harry. 'Son of a bludger!' He exclaimed. 'I want honeydukes each time you go until I can go myself in third year. I'm sweating bludgers.'

'Yeah, fine. Sure. You can have owt you want,' Fred agreed.

'But did the potion look like water?' I asked, leaning forward in my seat intently.

'It didn't look like a potion, I'll tell you that,' Ron said.

'It looked clear?' George asked.

'Yes, yes,' Ron groaned. 'Now pay up.'

I reached into my robe pocket and grabbed a handful of sweets, dumping it into Ron's extended hand. 'Thanks, Ronnie,' I said with a cheesy grin.

'You're all going to get in trouble,' Hermione rolled her eyes.

'It's off hour,' I assured her. 'There's barely anyone even here.'

'Look, look, he's going for the cup!' Harry whispered, getting our attention.

Everyone, including a reluctant Hermione, looked over intently at Percy. With his eyes glued to his parchment, mid sentence in his writing, he reached for the goblet and put it to his lips. He took a big slug of the drink, not thinking anything suspicious of it until he'd already swallowed. Then his face twisted in disgust. He looked down at the drink in front of him, swishing it around until...his eyes grew to the size of the opening of the cup he was staring into. The hand that wasn't holding the goblet went to his stomach. He set the goblet back on the table as both hands gripped the bench underneath him. He shifted about in his seat, his face pinching until-


The entire room went silent as his massive fart echoed throughout the spacious room. All eyes lingered on Percy as his cheeks blushed the brightest shade of red we'd ever seen, loads brighter than my red hair, which was more red and less gingery than the Weasley's. He looked like a ripe red tomato fresh from his mother's garden with his eyes as wide as his mouth was gaped. Then all of a sudden the farts started erupting like wildfire, one after the other, almost catapulting Percy into the air, off the bench. His hands dove for his pants, jumping up from his seat and running, and also somewhat hopping, as fast as he could out of the Great Hall, with everyone laughing at him. He'd even forgotten his schoolwork, which was such an unPercy thing to do.

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