17 - Halloween

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Several weeks had passed since our first quidditch practice. I'd been busy with classes, all the practices Oliver was scheduling, and planning the first major prank with Fred and George. I had yet to come clean to Harry.

I sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, the twins across from me. The massive room was decorated for Halloween, jack o lanterns floating with the usual ceiling candles. Bats flew around the room. Bowls of candy matched the number of food platters for the special feast. My homework and textbooks were sprawled out in front of me as I nibbled on some carrots and ranch.

'Ty some caulon cake, Ahhy,' George said, scarfing food into his mouth.

'The pumppin bed is to die for,' Fred groaned, closing his eyes in satisfactory delight.

'No, thanks. I'm good with my carrots,' I said, taking a crunchy bite.

'Such a party pooper,' they chorused, shaking their heads at me disapprovingly.

'I have loads of homework,' I insisted, referring to all the work on the table. 'Two whole rolls of parchment for Snape.'

'But you can do that anytime,' Fred said.

'Spooky day only comes once a year!' George included.

I gave them a thin smile. 'Not...really my thing.' I went back to my work. 'But by all means, enjoy your spooky day.'

The twins looked at each other with mischief in their eyes as their lips began to curl into smirks. The next thing I knew, chocolate frogs were being launched at me from their side of the table. 'Guys! Stop!' I laughed, trying to fight off the flying frogs. The ones already on me started to hop over my body as new ones kept joining the mess.

'Never!' Fred and George shouted, forfeiting their own chocolate frogs from their plates in an attempt to put a smile on my face.

I started to throw them back and soon we were all dodging the hopping candy creatures. We were laughing so hard I could barely see, my eyes tearing up and my face stretching in glee.

'Immobulus,' we heard. The frogs froze in their places, even the ones in mid-air. Percy stood behind me as he put his arms behind his back, standing up straight. 'Throwing food. That'll be five points each.'

'Oh, come off it, Perce,' Fred groaned. 'Where's your holiday spirit?'

'In December,' he said matter of factly.

'Whatever spirit he has,' I muttered, only audible to the twins in front of me.

'You can be festive for spooky day, too, Percy!' George encouraged.

'Not with you three around,' he sighed. He started pulling the frogs out of the air and from my hair as the twins plucked the ones off each other. 'You three definitely keep me on my toes.'

I swiveled in my seat to face Percy as I, Fred, and George all gave him the cheesiest grins.

He plucked the last frog off the top of my head and scoffed, walking away from us.

'And you guys call me a party pooper,' I gawked, raising my eyebrows.

'Only sometimes,' Fred said.

'Not as much as King Party Pooper,' George nodded. The twins looked at each other with the same mischievous glint burning in their eyes.

'What?' I giggled.

'I think his pin might be wrong,' Fred cleared his throat.

'We should fix it,' George imitated.

I raised my eyebrow at them. 'What are you two on about?'

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