28 - Plotting and Predictions

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Days went by, weeks went by, and sure enough, nothing notable had happened. Nothing worrisome enough to warrant a danger of death prediction like Trelawney had warned. I was beginning to not take that class seriously at all, like Fred and George had suggested.

The three of us were sitting in the Gryffindor common room. We had our textbooks and assignments out in front of us, but we weren't fully focused on our work; my Moste Potente Potions book opened on the table as well.

'We could do this one...the laxative potion,' Fred suggested.

'But we already used the fart one on him last month. Shouldn't we give him a chance to...heal up?' George shrugged.

'Yeah, we probably should,' I agreed.

We flipped through a few more pages. Some of the potions looked very disturbing. 'What about that one?' Fred asked. He'd stumbled on a page with an ageing potion.

'Hmmm. I don't know what we'd need that for. But that could come in handy at some point,' I said.

He nodded and George kept flipping through the pages. Chemical recipe, Malevolent mixture, slow-acting venoms.

'We're not interested in murder, thank you very much,' George mumbled.

'Ooo! What about this one? Felix Felicis?' I asked. 'Says here it will bring good luck to whoever drinks it.'

'We could use it for Quidditch. Or for exams,' Fred smirked.

'No, no. That's wrong,' George sighed. 'Besides look.' He pointed to the page. 'It takes six whole months to brew.'

'Oh, that's not good,' I grimaced. 'Well then how about this?' I pointed to the one on the opposite page. 'We've been learning about this one in transfiguration this year with McGonagall.'

'An Animagus potion?' Fred said, he scrunched his face, considering the idea. 'Hmm, not bad, what do you think, George?'

'I don't know, guys. It says...failure to brew correctly can result in permanent half-human half-animal mutations,' he read, and then looked up with a worried expression painted on his face. 'Do we wanna risk being mutated?'

'Well I think between the three of us we could figure it out,' I shrugged.

'Yeah we're capable enough. And we'll have Addy!' Fred pointed out. 'With all the potions expertise coursing through her blood, and Snape at her fingertips. How could we go wrong?'

George looked back and forth between us skeptically. 'If you guys really think we can do it...then ok. But I'm not drinking anything until we know it's absolutely safe!'

'Oh, of course,' I agreed. 'Your mum would kill all three of us if we ended up as half animal mutants.'

'But if we do this...' Fred craned his neck over me to get a view of the common room, which he determined was relatively empty. The only person in the room was in the far corner. We huddled our heads together and he started to whisper. 'We can't tell anyone. If it works, the ministry can't know, our parents, no one!'

'McGonagall says it's the law to register, though,' I said.

'But the book says we can keep it to ourselves,' Fred whispered. 'Ya know. As long as we don't get caught.'

The three of us went around giving each other questioning looks. 'I mean...we are good at being sneaky, yes,' George agreed.

'But I'm not too keen on going to Azkaban if we do happen to get caught!' I whispered at them harshly.

The twins exchanged a mischievous smile between themselves and then looked back at me. 'Then we won't get caught,' they chorused.

I shook my head at them with an eyebrow raised. 'You...two...' I exhaled. 'Are literally going to be the end of me.' I grinned at them in a playfully maniacal manner. 'I'm serious! I'm going to make you explain to my dad why we're sharing a cell in Azkaban.'

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