25 - A Little Bit Crazy

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A week later, Ced was fully recovered, thanks to several more helpings of Molly's cooking, and the two of us were back at school. I walked up the grand staircase for the first time in two weeks and in through the portrait hole to the Gryffindor common room, which was less crowded than I would have expected.

I saw the back of a jet black haired head wearing an emerald green jumper sitting on one of the couches facing away from me. I quietly rummaged through my trunk and pulled out the finished quilt. I had to admit, it wasn't as beautiful as the ones my mother had made, far from it. But I'd spent all holiday working on it. I'd also washed it in our detergent so it smelt like home. I hope he appreciated that, even though he'd never been to my house. He never described his place as home. Even though Dad had said no to letting Harry live with us, I still held out hope one day that it would happen.

Sneaking up behind the unsuspecting boy, I stuck the wrapped quilt in front of his face as he jumped. 'Goodness,' he gasped, putting his hand to his chest and turning to see me, giggling slightly. 'I should have known.' A smile formed on his face as I jumped over the couch and sat down next to him. Our arms wrapped around each other.

'How was Hogwarts Christmas with the few Weasley's?' I asked, pulling away.

'It was great!' He exclaimed. 'Best Christmas I've ever had!'

'Good,' I said, though I wasn't sure how to feel for him. I was glad he didn't have to spend another holiday with the Dursley's. But was a couple kids and some professors in a giant lonely castle really a holiday? Maybe I should have insisted he'd come back with us. I handed Harry the package.

'You got me a present?' He asked.

'Yeah!' I exclaimed. 'I have 10 years of gifts to make up for! But...this one took me all break to finish. So I'll make them all up in time, promise.'

'You didn't have to get me a gift,' he giggled. 'And you don't have to make up for gifts either.'

'I want to,' I smiled. 'Come on, come on, open it!'

He laughed and pulled the tissue paper apart, revealing the quilt. It was white with a single layer red border that went all around the square quilt and had a giant red heart in the center that wasn't quite symmetrical.

''I'm still learning how to knit. Mum had this book...but you said you didn't have one so...um, I hope you like it.'

Harry threw the quilt around his shoulders from the back and snuggled up to it. 'It's warm and cozy and smells safe and I love it,' he smiled. 'Thank you.'

'Course,' I smiled with relief. 'I made it with mum and dad and mind. Since mum's love saved us. And uh...now we have each other again. I don't know. I just thought it'd be something you could use, especially with the sleepless nights and such.'

''No, really. Thank you. It's lovely,' he smiled. I nodded at him just as the twins came down the dorm stairs.

'There she is!' Fred exclaimed.

'Troublemaker number 3,' George said.

They each grabbed one of my arms and dragged me off up the stairs to their room. 'Wait, why am I number 3?' I asked. 'Why can't I be number 1?'

They looked at each other and shrugged.

'Looks,' Fred suggested.

'Age,' George added.



'Fine, whatever,' I rolled my eyes as one corner of my mouth raised. 'Dad got me more fireworks for Christmas! Wanna pop a couple off in the quad?'

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