🌙episode sixteen🌙

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Seokjin up at an early hour than normal left the room where both Yoongi and Namjoon reside, sound asleep. He found his way into a record library of the orphanage, there was not a single soul present to stop him from digging deep into these paper records. The young male's eyes looked at each letter, assuming each was organized by the person's last name. With a proud look plastered across his face, he picked up his sister's record, reading each and every detail he could to find out where she could be. Then the last page of it fell out, where a page of her file fell out. He picked it up looking at it before he flipped through the rest of her records.

"Mia had been adopted before..and she was born with the name of Areum. Oh, it all makes sense now why she does not have a native Korean name. Her name was changed by the family who had adopted her before our family had...

..and the family she had always known as her own...she doesn't even know" He takes a long sigh looking to the shelf. "Not to mention how many times she had been thrown around, how could someone do that to our sister, to us." He shakes his head, in an attempt to keep his head straight.

Taehyung who had seemed to be wandering around aimlessly, listening in on Seokjin talk to himself spoke softly "What are you talking about" he blinked slowly, only presenting a soft smile as he had found the area where he wanted to be.

Seokjin jumped "You could have at least given me a warning that you were in here-I could have turned into a ghost." He gives the folder to Taehyung "I know you have been on this mission longer than I have, so you look more into it than I have. I'm already astonished and..sad enough with the information that I've taken in."

"I never thought that I'd hear you say something like that to me ever again." Taehyung firmly grasps onto the folder, looking at Seokjin with a less bitter look in his eyes as if the grudge they have has all these years was starting to fade away. "You know, she is still our sister right. No one ever said that family is blood."

"You're right, they never did." The dark-haired male said with a thoughtful expression.

"You know, maybe this is what fixes our relationship. This moment right here. Since you know how much I care for her." Taehyung spoke in a genuine tone as he awaited a response from the older male.

"I think it is. Take care of her for me okay. I'll find my way there, don't worry." Seokjin nods, slightly confused but pleased that this is occurring.

"Are you sure?" The younger male looked at Seokjin confused.

The older male nodded his head "I am, and take Hoseok with you. It will be much better this way, trust me. Even if you haven't before. Fight for it however you will or just do anything you can, just know he needs you."

"I would never ditch him. I really love him. Thank you for all of this." Taehyung was sure of every word as he spoke them but had one more thing to say. "A question if you don't mind"

"What is it?"

"Did we lose her locket?" Taehyungs voice is shaky, terrified for the answer he is about to receive.

"I think I have it somewhere in my room. Maybe in my jewelry box. If not, I don't know where it is. That will be my final gift before you leave with your love." Seokjin spoke in a monotone.

"I hope you do. God, I hope you do.."

Seokjin walks away as their conversation comes to a conclusion. Taehyung is left their alone, grabbing his own records. "Maybe I can find out more about myself while I'm in this damn place" He proceeds to open it up, reading over himself. "Anger issues..yeah my many mental health issues..suffered..abuse?" He looks up, thinking about the times where he's acted upon fighting back to what feels like everyone "oh god..god..they did thus to me..that's why I'm so fucked up..why I've hurt so many people.." he sighs, starting to silently cry to himself, saying aloud

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