🌙episode seventeen🌙

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The days would pass after the mutual relaxation between both Seokjin and Taehyung who discovered their sisters original name was changed. Something that their parents did not bother doing with her. She only knew the one name. 

That thought would not leaves the blue haired males thought as he sat in the window of his shared room with Hoseok. Their room was bursting with sun, while he took note of the fellow male sleeping. He did not want to distance himself from Hoseok, but it was hard to bring this up, especially since he had just broken open about his past with his parents too the older male after discovering the details from documents, those that now sat on the desk after Seokjin snuck them out of the social workers office.

"It's going to be so hard to find her."  Taehyung sighed heavily as he spoke to himself quietly , noting the painting of the locket that leaned against the wall. "That's the only piece we have of her...and.. I may not even like my brother that much after everything that's happened."

He ponders for a second. "There must be something about our Aunt's information in that folder. If not.. I'll speak with Seokjin. For this we have to get along.. enough to find our way out of here. I just want to be safe again."

"It's for us.. and you too Hoseok. Because I care for you.." He says that as he approaches the bed, laying back down next to the male gently on the soft, pale blue blanket. "I'll do what it takes for you.."

"I promise."


The morning breeze followed Jimin and Jungkook through the younger males favorite spot, the garden with a fountain. It was especially beautiful at this time of year as they began to transition from late spring to the summer months. No matter the time of the year it always was intimate when they were to go as a pair. Sitting on a stone bench, they had a conversation.

"Today is something special Jungkook. I wanted to bring you here today because it's our anniversary" The one with fiery hair spoke, bitter sweet feelings ran through him.

"From before everything happened.. right.. Jimin?" Jungkook eyes had sparkle to them as he admired the older male.

"It is. I thought it would finally be right too bring you here since you're improving so well my love. And I would live to celebrate what would be.. two years day. Even if I know we have technically started dating again because of the incident, I feel like it's appropriate to call it two years. I don't want to lose anything from our romance" Jimin traded up a bit as he looked at Jungkook. "Because I love you so much, kook."

"You're so sweet... I think the same! Let's call it two years of us." Jungkook spoke in an upbeat tone, despite the loss of his parents he managed to keep several pieces of his personality.

"Okay baby. Whatever you want baby.." He planted a kiss on Jungkooks cheek "let's enjoy every moment of this. Yeah?"

"Of course. But I do have a question, min." Jungkook had a tilt as he looked to the fiery haired male.

"What is it, kook?"

"Why does Tae not come over anymore.."

This question struck Jimin directly. He was not prepared to hear this question from his lover quite yet, as Jungkook and Taehyung have not had much interaction through the entirely of the stay in the orphanage. The two were so close, and Jimin knew it. It took a moment for Jimin to answer, in a way that would not hurt the male.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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