🌙 episode fifteen 🌙

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"Hoseok-wake up baby" Taehyung greets the male, who opens his eyes slowly looking up at the blue haired one that had a bright smile in the morning, for once in his life. He's fully dressed in all black, his hoodie presentable baggy.

Hoseok looks to the clock "What-why-the s-sun is r-rising at this h-hour it's so e-early" The cotton candy haired males face was plastered with confusion, sitting up. "O-or we'll it's supposed to be-it's been d-dreadful outside"

"I know this isn't the most lovely place in the world, but I figured I'd show you my special spot here. No one knows about it-but now you will. I wanted to do this because we're in love with eachother" Taehyung is full of energy, and quite sporadic.

"O-oh! That would be quite pretty than I-I think at l-least" Hoseok smiles brightly, looking outside to see the weather, clouds covering the sun "The gloomy weather shouldn't ruin the v-view-well there's more than o-one view" He giggles, climbing out of bed.

The blue locked male blushes "Hey now! When did you become such a flirt"

"S-Someone had to have an i-influence on me" Hoseok shrugs behaving as he's clueless, changing into comfy clothes, appropriate for the weather outside. "N-never thought I'd s-see my Taehyung blushing t-though" He continues to giggle, pleased with himself.

"Shut it oh my god! Hoseok!" Taehyungs face begins to turn into the shade of a ruby "That is not the point of this morning, now come along"

Each of the young males walk into the hallway, further down where no one resides any longer. Hoseok looked around with freshly awakened eyes, curious. "Cmon Tae where are we going?"

"The roof, it has the most beautiful view of the sunrise in the morning, and the sunset in the evening" Taehyung had a playful giggle as he opened an unlocked door, which appeared to be broken by someone.

Hoseoks eyes widen, looking at the stairs in front of him "Are y-you sure a-about this?"

Taehyung nodded with delight, grabbing onto Hoseoks wrist leading him up the stairs. They were presented with a view of the rising run, only covered by a few stray clouds. "Lovely isn't it?"

"Yeah-yeah it is-there has to be more of a reason to why you enjoy it u-up here" Hoseok looks at Taehyung in the eyes, conceded.

The younger male feels a whirl of anxiety go through him, reading his head on Hoseoks shoulder. "I'll tell you when I'm ready-I can't bring myself to do it right now"

Hoseok nods, understanding the feeling. "Take y-you're time, I'm always h- here for you"

"Thank you" Taehyungs body become less tense, relaxing and looking out to the clouds.

"P-please don't t-thank me" The older ruffles Taehyungs hair with a bright heart smile.


Hoseok wraps his arm around Taehyung, pressing their bodies closer together T-There we go-let's just c-cuddle up now hm? Just relax baby, it's okay"

"Of course"


In the room of where three lived, the sun shining through the shut blinds, Yoongi gave a harsh stare to Jin who slept on the bed across from theres, shaking his head in disbelief. Namjoon was out of the room for a walk, enjoying the cooler air, avoiding the drama.

"How could you stoop to his level? I thought you both had the same mission to find your sister! Don't you realize that a-well-decent relationship between the two of you would be better" he sighs, scrunching up his face in an annoyed matter. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"We do want to both find out sister, Mia because of the fucked up foster system. Nobody said that we had to get along" he leans against the wall behind him, irritated.

Yoongi stares at the ceiling for a second, taking a deep breath, his mint hair failing back "Stop stooping to his level, with this attitude-that you suddenly just pulled out of your ass-you'll never find her. I don't know what to tell you Seokjin, you're acting like a lost cause"

"Ah I'm not a lost cause. It's just if he finds her I know he won't tell me. He won't tell me a damn thing, and he'll get to have his perfect romance with Hoseok. He'll get to reunite with our sister while I sit here and wait till I'm eighteen!"

"How could you say things like that when both of you went through the same shit as kids, and she was lucky enough to leave!" Yoongi looks over to the black haired males drawer, a sneaking suspicion crawling through his veins. Silence coats the room as Seokjin looks at Yoongi with wide, shocked eyes. "I'll let you think, I'm gonna head out" he sighs "and take your damn meds"

"Just don't say I didn't try and help you" The mint green male grabs his stuff, walking out of the room and shaking his head for the second time around. "God damn, they're more related than they seem."  He stands there pondering what to do next, hearing words from seokjin speaking to himself.

"She was here before all of us.." it proceeds to turn into incoherent phrases Yoongi can't decipher well.

"I better-go somewhere-or find Namjoon" The mint locked male speaks lowly to himself, walking away from his room.


It's moments before darkness, Jungkook is peacefully looking up at the sky in on a swing, happily in his own world. Jimin proceeds to take a photo with his polaroid camera a soft smile on his face. Thinking about how lucky he is to have Jungkook.

"You're adding a new meaning to take a photo it'll last longer" Jungkook smiles softly, looking at the fiery locked male.

"Well, I guess so! I need all the photos I can have of my love"  Jimin giggles, waiting for the latest one to process "You look stunning"

"Oh you, you're so  romantic . I wish I could be as romantic as you are" The younger sighs a sigh of doubt, playing with his own hair.

"You have your own way of romance, and that's okay. Not everyone loves the same-romance is hard, and that's why we all have our own unique way of affection you know?"

"You're always right, gosh" Jungkook giggles, pleased with the response

Jimin nods, putting down the camera into his bag. "Well-yeah I try my best"

"Good, it's good to do that"

"Ywah-it definitely is"


Hoseok sits with his hands around his knees, watching Taehyung paint frantically and quickly. The younger males head had a strong urge to start this and leave the other paintings in the dust temporarily-it appears to be something heart shaped, and silver.

"W-what are you painting? It's very pretty but-I'm curious what is it" Hoseok tilts his head, trying to think of what the word is for this.

Taehyung is painting with his brushes swiftly, focused on the details of the painting "Locket-it's a locket-I needed to paint it so I could remember how it looks"

Hoseok nods his head as it clicks "O-Oh-a locket?"

"Yes-I need it. It's at this place-here at the orphanage" Taehyung looks to the older, pink locked male his eyes are wide and strained from lack of sleep.


"It's my sisters."


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