🌙episode seven🌙

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Voices spiraled the lunch room as people were parting ways. Not everyone would grab lunch in this area, one of those being Hoseok,who would grab his lunch then chose to talk in a quieter area with Yoongi and Namjoon. Taehyung suspected they were old friends of his, but he also wondered how he never knew the boy if he had associated with his ex, Yoongi.

Perhaps he just chose to forget about the rose quartz boy.

Darting from his focusing, he was pulled away from the crowd, who was becoming smaller, by Seokjin himself. The older boys orbs had always been dark and deceiving.

Taehyung brushes off his clothing from the move. "What do you want?" He pushed his aggressive tone towards the male in front of him.

"I know what you did to Hoseok. You kissed the poor boy!" He became overly protective of someone he barely knew.

Taehyung's lips curved to his left side, painting on a smirk. "I don't think he's so 'poor' if he enjoyed it." He let out a small chuckle. "I'll be damned on how you found out this information anyway." The make across from his kept his mouth shut, the darkness in his eyes rising. "C'mon tell it to me since you're so smart."

"Oh, there's no need to tell you about my ways." The black locked boy was blunt, his arms crossed in a dark blue tone jean jacket. "You never trusted me anyway, how would I know you trust me in this very second of time."

Taehyung had taken note that there were no more people and their shadows that followed wandering the halls. "You were my friend, you had my trust and you ruined it by spreading what you know about my past."

Seokjin stood his ground, his foot placed firmly forward keep direct contact with his ex friend. "You act like you're the only one who has been through some trauma in this place. Namjoon hardly knows what a true emotion feels like and Yoongi will never be the same as he was." His bright pink lips curled. "You're selfish, Taehyung."

"Say what you want about me." He paused his sentence as he glanced to the wall where a picture hung. The overhanging in the sky, peaking through the curtains. "I'm not the one finding out information about an ex friend."

"It's for Hoseok's good." Seokjin shook his head in strong disapproval, he always wondered why he bothered being friends with the guy. He felt in his heart it was out of guilt for the condition he came in.

"You barely know him."

They separated with small scowl from the older male.


Water was being poured onto the flowers in the garden by Jungkook, it was truly a gorgeous garden. The flowers shockingly thrived in the New York City spring climate. There were no limits to who could care for this garden, the young boy took it up too keep himself occupied for the days that passed quite quickly. Though it never got the photo of Jimin and himself tossed away unlike his other memory, there were so many black spots he couldn't fill.

While the fiery locked roommate of his was working indoors, volunteering to help keep the children educated on their basic skills, he was waiting for Seokjin to present himself, as he approached Taehyung earlier to grab information.

"Where's Jimin?" Seokjin's voice shocked the ombré locked male for a second, but he turned to face the older boy of equal height.

Jungkook scratched at his own head, preparing to form his words correctly. "Today is Friday, he is helping with the younger kids. You're supposed to tell the information to me." His voice was blissful across the still air, he had a small pure smile on his face.

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