🌙episode nine🌙

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In the counselors room the maroon curtains were open, sun shining and bustling wind flowed in. The room was a pleasant, cool temperature. Taehyung sat innocently, his body facing Dr.Kang. The counselor was evaluating both of the roommates, he found it would be easiest to finish off with the blue locked boy.

"From Hoseok's word it's seems both of you have become much closer. I find that very moving for the both of you, considering that you were hit quite hard in the jaw." His speech was crisp as the air outside.

Taehyung tilted his head upwards at a slight angle. "I personally find our relationship unique and blooming." He spoke monotonously, his orbs were fetching seriousness, catching each meaningful word spoken in this average sized room.

The blond counselor took notes of the males behavior. "Would you say that you are romantically invested? Seeking someone to help heal your heart?"

"Ah my heart, it does beat for the soft boy." His head tilted forward, eyes set on Dr.Kang. "I'm quite invested in him you know? You're always invested in someone that you care for." He let his orbs glance away for a split second, it was practically unnoticeable.

Questionable thoughts ran through the therapists intelligent brain. "You know a small piece of what had happened to him, I would assume at the least. Please do take your time with him, he needs comfort in his life." Despite what his head told him, he took a caution approach in fear of another lash out.

Taehyung plastered a shiny, bright smile onto his face. "Don't worry, Yeosang, I will take good care of him. He's done great amounts for me in his time here." He lifted his body up from the chair, exiting the room at a causal pace. His globes became focused onto Hoseok, who was waiting patiently for him.

Taehyung grabbed the older boys hand, standing him up. He was slightly alerted despite having vision of him a few seconds ago. "O-Oh that was quite q-quick. How d-did in g-go in there?" His voice was oh so gentle compared to the younger male's.

"It was nothing much to worry about Seokie." He began to play with strands of Hoseok's pink hair, his cheeks began to match the tone of his hair. "I'm more interested on what you talked about."

They intertwined their hands tighter, beginning to head back to their shared room. "I-It was nothing special. The c-conversation was just about h-how I felt a-about you and our t-time together s-so far." He let a soft smile paint onto his face.

"And what did you say, Hoseok." They began to walk up the wooden stairs.

His heart began to pour from his chest. "My true f-feelings about you, Tae. That I h-have fallen for you. Well at least began too. I took your words to heart over these few days to confess that."

Silence was surrounding them until they reached their room on the third floor. "Well I'm glad you did, because I feel the same way about you." Despite his confident attributes, his cheeks would always turn a rose red.

Hoseok tugged onto Taehyung's deep purple shirt, pressing their matte pink lips together to break the tension. The boy with cotton candy hair takes pleasure of Taehyung's cloud soft lips again his heart shaped ones. He pushed the kiss deeper, both bodies pressed together, he leaned against the wall. Both held like this until they were both in need of catching air again.

Taehyung's lips matched the tone of his face, despite knowing the risk of seeing his brother at any moment he let the boy take control.

A small fear raced his heart, but he was risking it for Hoseok.


"Jimin how can we let him use Hoseok like that!" Seokjin blurted as he stood in the middle of Jungkook and Jimin's shared room. "I know- we know how he gets in relationships."

"Seokjin." He looked sternly at the older male. "We can't interfere too much. There is only so much we can do without Taehyung getting suspicious of us protecting Hoseok."

Jungkook's pure doe orbs fell on both of the older males. "It wouldn't be going to far if were protecting him. It would keep him safe." He smiled widely, proud of himself for his input.

"Jungkook, honey, I'll tell you more later." A sigh projected from each of the lovers. The blond tips of the youngers locks fell over his chocolate globes. "At the least all of us have to warn the male before it's too late."

"I'll take on that responsibility whether it takes facing my brother or not. He will shatter into his true form eventually." His fist clenched with pure rage, looking to the ground. "I know how sick he is."

"You're a great help to this, Jin. Thank you."

"Oh it's my pleasure."


Taehyung laid himself next to Hoseok in the older boys bed, the sheets peaking from underneath the covers a pine green. "Do you mind if I sleep with you tonight? It would help me sleep better as I don't like to sleep alone."

The older turned enough to look into the youngers orbs. "No,do w-whatever you need to make yourself c-comfortable." He watched as Taehyung slipped underneath the covers. "J-Just p-please hold me gently p-please being h-held tightly w-would give me a p-panic attack" he shivered a bit at the flashbacks.

Taehyung's arms wrapped lightly around Hoseok's waist, not putting much pressure into his smaller body. "I don't plan on hurting you. You are a person who I care for you deeply." He scooted in closer to break the distance between them. "Remember that I trust you. You're the only one who I can trust in this place."

"I don't want to break that trust. Whatever this is that we have is special Taehyung." The pink haired boy giggled, having a romantic closeness such as this one has not come for him often . "I would like to keep that for a long time if that's possible." His words were firm, but caring.

"Of course. I wouldn't let you go. You're far to sweet to just drop like a fly." He nuzzled his head into the back of Hoseok's, smelling the sweet vanilla scent. "Both of us, we will protect each other in this hell of a place. we will keep each other safe when we leave from here. When we are finally free." His words were like heaven to the older boy.


"Yes, I promise."

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