🌙episode thrirteen🌙

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Dark grey clouds overhung the orphanage, pushing the tone of the early morning to be dreary. Yoongi awoke twenty minutes ago, already draped in an oversized t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans to pair with the look. The wandering Seokjin followed the younger into the photography room.

"What brought you here?" The mint locked boy set his voice to a monotone, bringing his orbs to a focus. "You don't show much interest in this art." his chocolate brows furrowed to an angle.

Seokjin pursed his lips. "I'm-trying to help Hoseok feel a sense of comfort. Especially if Taehyung were to pull any slick moves." His bare arms crossed, as he shook his head.

Yoongi's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Is that where you went last night? To him?" He faced his smaller body towards the black locked male.

"I figured you would understand more than most people." He took a deep breathe. "We know that Hoseok is a very fragile person, but he's also a kind soul-"

"I'm going to stop you at that Jin. Hoseok sees someone inside of Taehyung. He doesn't see the cold asshole that the rest of us see." He took a moment, looking down to the ground then returning his glance. "He see's what has been buried under the ground."

Seokjin gulped, worried for the younger, pink locked male. "It's a bit hard to grasp onto a person having the ability to see kind in Taehyung."

Yoongi gripped onto his maroon t-shirt. "Hoseok has the soul of an angel. It takes so much for him to be that way."

Seokjin tapped his red converse to the ground, becoming anxious. " Ah, yeah I can understand where you're coming from. My worry is if he will take on similar actions towards him as he did Jungkook."

"I promise you he's not just hurtful. You should be able to trust me on that one." His gentle voice echoed in the empty room.

"I do, but I know my own brother better than his ex." Irritation became visible on the olders face, his hands put into his sweatshirt pockets.

Yoongi rubbed as his temples. "That doesn't dismiss us knowing the same person Seokjin! What's gotten into you?"

"You wouldn't know who he is from simply dating him!" Seokjins globes ran dark.

"Dating someone is deeper than romance. You make genuine friendships out of them. I knew Tae, I knew who he was." Yoongi kept his eye contact on the older male.  "He saved his sister to be placed in this hell. Do you know how much courage that takes?"

"I know what he did for her! But it doesn't dismiss his current actions." The older wiped at the tears, few had stained the wooden floor.

The mint locked male balled up his fists, directing his eye contact into Seokjins. "You need to have a conversation with yourself in the mirror. If you can't even find a small bit of hope in the world."

Seokjin laughed sarcastically. "How can you? Look where we are!"

"I find hope because Namjoon is taking care of me the way I take care of him. Won't you allow someone to have one piece of happiness." Yoongi made the room become silent, his rage poured out vocally. The older male stepped away, questioning himself and his actions.


An umbrella covered each of the similar ages male's from getting soaked from the upcoming rain, only droplets fell in the current moment. Taehyung held it above their heads, sitting on a wooden bench nearby the fountain.  Their orbs were locked, catching each other's stare despite the past days conflict.

"T-Taehyung, what's t-the purpose of t-this." Hoseok allowed a giggle escape from his heart shaped lips.

Taehyung tilted his head slightly to the right. "Dates-maybe they don't need planning. So I figured why not take you out on a day such as this-despite the weather."

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