🌙episode eight🌙

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Silent tears fell from the mint boys globes, he began to realize what his past was, and put more details together that made much more baffling to him as a person. The shared room where every soul was asleep at this early hour, the sun had barley began to rise.

"Were they mine-did they bring me to this world." His whispers grew higher in pitch. "I-I don't remember who took care of me for my early years. They have to be my biological parents!"

Namjoon's crescent eyes opened, he took immediate focus on his distressed lover who was sitting upwards. "My love, what's wrong?" He watched the clear liquid drip down Yoongi's face as he began to sit up. The fellow black haired male stayed asleep peacefully in this commotion.

"My deceased parents! Were they mine, please tell me they were mine. Tell me even if it's a lie Joonie!" He felt his body become closer to the heat of the younger, an arm around his shoulder."

Namjoon tilted his head slightly, touching Yoongi's chin to bring their gaze together. "You know I can't lie to you." His tone was neutral, but that meant all of the world and more to the older boy. "I don't know if they were."

"I need to find out myself." He gripped onto Namjoon's hand tightly. "I've been too focused on Taehyung for my own good. I'll leave Seokjin and Jimin to do further research."

"I'll be right next to you."


Breezing wind rustled at the bushes deep in the forest, Hoseok was following the young aimlessly through the ethereal forest. In the distance he could hear the flowing of a waterfall, next to him bright flowers blooming from the spring air and light rains. He never perceived the world as stunning until this very moment in time.

"A-Are we supposed to g-go this far?" His suspicion was rising on Taehyung, he has been far to silent since they entered off the trail they once walked on together.

It caught the blue locked boys attention, his orbs only following the flat concrete path, shockingly not observing the older as he's done previously. "Hm?" he turned his sculpted face, presenting his facial features to the other male. "You seem to be worried, I can see it in those alluring eyes of yours."

Hoseok sighed deeply, refusing to acknowledge how the comment made him feel in his chest. "Just t-tell me where we're g-going. I don't l-like getting l-lost you know." He fixed his cotton candy pink hair that had been tossed around by the wind, the yellow sleeve of his shirt lowering.

"I just want to take you somewhere special. You want more knowledge about me don't you with that curious head of yours." He let out a chuckle, far too joyous of one for a boy like him. "Now come on, we're almost there." He offered his hand to be held. Hoseok grabbed onto it, their fingers intertwined like a puzzle.

Their long legs paced similarly up a bright green hill, the path becoming rougher in shape as they reached the peak. "It's gorgeous up here, yeah?"

Hoseok tripped over a divot in the ground, managing not to face plant into the ground as Taehyung caught him. "It's a-almost something o-out of a story book or a p-painting up h-here." He gazed across the people walking in the neighborhood and the bikes being rode around. It seemed to be a place of more upper class New York City.

"This is the neighborhood where I was raised for fourteen years. I've never dared return, I prefer to watch over it and remember the memories that I had." He gulped as he looked to the hole in the ground. "What you tripped on is where my sister and I, buried a Diamond ring of hers in a little box, with a Polaroid of the two of us. We promised to visit it ten years later."

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