🌙episode three🌙

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Taehyung felt the aura of the counselors office caved in on him, this was no where near a choice he had in mind. His orbs took focus of the dark too simple paintings on the wall. He preferred things more complex in detail.

Dr. Kang walked through the dark oak door removing the cooler toned locked male from his frozen gaze. The young therapist in his early twenties had golden blonde locks and shimmering honey skin. His outfit was put on neatly, the pale pink button up smooth to his body. "Sorry I was out on my lunch break. I had to run here, usually I'm in the office for patients."

The young male tilted his head with sharp,furrowed brows. "I've heard about you, Yeosang." his voice raised at the first name of the therapist. "You've taken all patients who were held by Dr.Song."

Yeosang took a deep breathe, keeping himself calm. It was a wonder to keep conflict out of the road ahead of him. "I'm just here to talk to you. There's no need to bring up the movement of Dr.Song. He had personal reasons to leave this place."

"Whatever you say." he chuckled sarcastically. "Just tell me what you want to talk about so I can continue on with my afternoon."

"Tell me about your experiences, your life. I don't want to dig into your mental health quite yet." The blond painted a trusting smile onto his face, hoping he would get a reaction from the younger.

"There's nothing special about me if that's what you're implying." He tapped his fingers onto his slim, dark, denim jeans, skin exposed through the tears. "Having asshole parents with wealth just fucks you up. They never loved me, no one here was ever loved."

The older nodded his head at a slow pace "When did your biological parents put you here? Do you remember?" he kept a timid voice, keeping within his head what could make the boy snap.

"I was fourteen. It was the oh so glorious summer before the start of ninth grade." His gazed moved from Yeosang's orbs to the computer behind him on a desk. "I was pushed out of the backseat of my car by my older brother when I arrived here, with a bag of clothes and some technology. My fathers Porsche sped off with my youngest sister, who kept a frightened look on her face...god knows where she is..." he dug his fingernails into the cloth of the chair, a seething rage in flowing through veins.

Analyzing the condition of the boy, Dr.Kang decided on his next move in the game. "What's your sisters name?"

"Mia." The look of Taehyung's orbs had a hint of melancholy displayed in them,  he was unwilling to admit that emotion aloud. "At that time she has just turned thirteen."

Yeosang flipped his pen around within the tips of his fingers. "I'm sure you'll find her again." He provided the male with false positivity about the situation. It has been three years since his arrival.

"I doubt it. Can I exit now?"

Dr.Kang's mouth was left open before he could give a reply. Taehyung made his exit out the door into the hallway, giving it a low pitched slam to add icing to the cake. Hoseok jumped at the noise, too invested in a book he had found on the dark oak shelf.

Taehyung, not having previous knowledge of him finding his way here, glanced at the book on the floor. He caught the spine of the cover from his perspective. Interestingly enough it had the word reflection in the title.

"Please, if you heard any of that, don't tell a soul." Taehyung's sentence came across as passive aggressive to the older male who gazed him up and down, he felt taken back by the phrase. He kept his mouth zipped shut, and nodded to drive the young boy away.

Taehyung thanked it only took thirty seconds to exit the waiting room.


Dim sunlight heavily coated with clouds, peaked its way into the vast gym. Seokjin wandered around the outline of the basketball court, generally avoiding the young who were playing with hula hoops, and bouncing around basket balls, and  teens who were playing volleyball in a circle of their friend groups. The golden stream of light poured through the male's locks, dyed black.

On the surface he was silent, his rustic eyes intimidating to most people. They would rather see him walk around as a shadow, than talk to him face to face. He had taken no offense to the matter, he had become used to the silent treatment by peers.

Jimin always took notice of his silence while fidgeting with his device as he walked. He approached him with a fragile smile planted on his face. Jungkook doing his own thing with a basketball in the distance, confused nontheless as why his fiery locked friend was approaching this mysterious shadow. "Seokjin, what do you know about Taehyung?"

The older became startled at the soft voice coming across his ear drums. "I don't know much about him. We were friends once, but became distant for some strange reason." he kept his voice  at the midpoint of the ocean, just reaching above a mumble.

Jimin ruffled his fingers through his warm toned hair, thinking before speaking. "You have to know something, anything about him that would make his behavior become what it is." his eyebrows had raised up a bit out of curiosity, discovering more about the shy male.

"If I told anything about him, he would find out. Taehyung, he's a very smart person, and does not like one word spoken about him to people of your kind." He shook his head back and forth. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get a drink of water." He scoffed before his feet grazed the gym floor in the direction of a water fountain.

Agitated, the fiery approached Jungkook. "This is going to take much more work than we thought. Clearly Seokjin is a no go in answers."

"Do you think any of them will break?" The younger has his head tired, he orange ball held in his hand.

"Good question."


The cotton candy haired roommates sat across from each other on their neatly made beds. Hoseok had his head tilted curiously as he watched the male sketch, and look up from time to time to him.

"D-do I annoy y-you?" He spoke time where his voice was swimming in the depths of the ocean.

The blueberry haired male looked up at him, with a melancholy tracing his globes rather than his facial expressions. "It's been a long day. I don't want to talk about what when I'm in the counselors office- sorry that went off the rails. I guess not. You're just asking a lot of questions."

"I'm u-used to it. J-just he honest w-with me." He turned his coffee orbs to the carpet flooring.

"I don't have to be honest." He took a deep breath before sitting the sketch book down next to him. "You've heard too much already. Things you shouldn't know. Purposely or not."

Hoseok only could blink as a reaction, seeing the stare burning at the retinas of his own. Not being the most confident in his social ability with others brought him into cutting off conversations at a time that seemed necessary to reply to, but he couldn't as laid down, letting the panic attack consume him silently, facing the painted wall next to him.


Yoongi stared directly into Namjoon's emotionless orbs. He sighed as he knew there was nothing he could do for the male but help him through the pain he was suffering through with his past.

"Yoongi, I love you. I really do." he fixed at the locks that fell infront of his dark orbs.

"You don't have to tell me everyday. I know you love me, I know you try your best okay?" He gulped as he spoke those words, holding onto the youngers hand tightly. "Please listen to my words."

"I'll try."

Those two words were enough for the male too feel a small reassurance in his head and in his chest. He put on a smile, even if it wasn't the most true of smile to create a feeling in Namjoon that he was doing something right in the relationship.


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