🌙episode four🌙

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Hoseok despised looking at the reflection of his upper body in the mirror after a morning shower. It wasn't that he was completely hateful of his figure. The answer of what it was, truthfully, were the bruises and scars that traced among his chest and forearms. Those markings came with nightmares that followed him like a stray cat in an alleyway.

In his thoughts he knew that he should be grateful he escaped, that he ran away with all the strength he had left in him. He knew it, they couldn't get him back.

A long, heavy sigh came escaped from his heart shaped lips, he felt selfish for taking this much time on the bathroom in case his roommate may need in there. He slipped on a plain white long sleeve, the final piece of the outfit, despite the moderate temperature of spring outside.

Taehyung fixated the perception of his deep orbs to the quiet male who found intriguing to study. "You took approximately thirty minutes to exit the bathroom completely. Why's that?" He had seemed to brushed off the situation from yesterday evening, similar to taking a cloth to wipe down the dust on a shelf.

The older bit his lip out of frustration as he stared into the eyes of the younger male who had already caused him pain. "W-why do you care so much? Y-you don't talk about yourself now d-do you?" a heavy breathe left his body.

"I don't talk about myself because it's none of your damn business to know what torment I've been through. You have to know somethings from yesterday." He cross his arms together, both looking at each other with a strong tension in the still air.

The pink haired male formed his fist into a ball and walked closer to Taehyung who did not seemed phased by the actions being presented in front of his globes. "T-talk t-to me when you had to run away from your own home you p-privileged bitch!" He grabbed the collar of his pale purple t-shirt, making them meet at eye level.

The cotton candy blue haired male kept his smirk painted onto caramel face. "Oh I'm so scared." Before a laugh could escape from his mouth he felt the fist of the older go straight to his jaw powerfully.

He winced at the pain, his body being dropped back onto the bed by none other than Hoseok. Taehyung had felt defeated, for once he wasn't able to pin point why the older had snapped into violence automatically.

The male with pink haired locks looked from the desk chair in the room, opening up a laptop to entertain himself with writing a few drabbles as recommended by the counselor. "N-Not so s-smart a-are we now? Y-You're best to c-clean that u-up." he closed out the earth with that sentence, placing headphones into the Mac book, and blasting his favorite artists off of a playlist on Spotify.

The younger wandered to the medicine cabinet confused, taking the essentials needed to tend to what would form into a bruise sooner or later. "This is going to be a ride, Hoseok." He pressed the cloth to the cut the ring had made, only causing a small bleed. "And I'm up for it."


Seokjin had snuck his way into the office of who was Taehyung's social worker. His smooth and soft footsteps had made it easy for him to gain information on someone he used to know, or thought he knew. The duo of Jungkook and Jimin has sparked if he had been lied too.

He dug for the password to unlock the computer, it was made far to easy for him to find it written on a piece of paper in a drawer. His golden fingers typed in each letter on the black keys and character silently, a few click here and there. The screen projected in front of him files of new people who had entered the orphanage.

None of those files he had any genuine interest in, digging deeper into the computer, breezing through peers he already knew were more trustful than a man who has entered and exited this places various times due to "complications."

"Taehyung, Kim." Was mumbled under the older male's breathe, he clicked on the folder to open various reports from the day he has entered, to the the last day he has shown up. He clicked onto January 20th, 2020.

"A new picture with a bright face, of course he has to be all pretty in case he disappears." A scoff came from the black in stunning black locks at how much he could put a smile with his name.

Scanning over each and every minor detail, he began to read aloud to himself. "Lets see, they say he was disrespectful...was very rebellious despite his outstanding intelligence and great skills in art, has an obsession with drawing a rose...tends to watch your every move which brought us concern, it made us feel like he was plotting something, we had to bring him back to this place." low words from the young mans mouth were ecstatic when he read bits of the sentences out loud to himself.

Jin's back leaned over the grey desk chair, shaking his head back and forth. " Oh Taehyung, you're such a character aren't you?" His orbs rolled as he closed the tab, returning it back to the files the worker had been attending too.

It was something he shrugged to thinking about the others reaction that was, he already knew two getting on his case in secret. "They'll find out someday." The mood of his voice was absent, creating a dark presence in the room.

Seokjin's strongly built body raised from the chair, sliding it back into place. He made sure everything, even the pens and pencils, had been arranged the way it was before making his exit back to the library were him and his dark shadow had previously roamed.


A male who traced no emotions, his black locks brushed to keep everything orderly, kept hold onto Yoongi's hand. Day by day he was learning more from his lover about the concept of empathy, wherever they may venture. Today it was by the stone fountain in the outdoor lunch area, formed into the structure of an angel placed in the center.

"Remember people smiling means that they're happy, and if they have a frown they are upset." It never bothered the older too much to help him out so he would go into his counseling sessions comfortably identifying emotions displayed to him.

Namjoon's voice flowed smoothly across the breezy air, only speaking with a sense of knowing. "Then when...people cry they are feeling melancholy right?" he sighed, feeling as if he was wrong.

Yoongi nodded his head with a bright gummy smile. "That's right babe! That's right!" the light of the sky shined through the blooming trees.

"I'm right!" the younger smiled, revealing dimples.

This was the first time that the mint locked boy had seen him smile with his own globes, as an instinct he cupped his lighter melanin to his lovers face. "You're smile is so gorgeous. Try to smile for me more." He felt a wave of euphoria over him that had not struck him this way in a while. "Now go in there, and do your best." He left a kiss on the older males forehead.

"I'll try, for you."


The youngest male of the seven in the house gazed at the galaxy above, standing next to Jimin who was sipping on a glass of ice water. "Why do I remember pieces of you? Why do you make my heart race in such a way?" the silence was snapped in half as Jungkook's doe orbs maintained  focused on the elder.

The fiery haired male jumped a bit, almost losing the glass to the floors below them, water falling like rain. "It's a long  a story. I'm not sure if we have time for that." He deadpanned as he returned the eye contact with the young man, who's long blond tips of his brunette hair fell over his orbs, gazed back with innocent wonder.

Disbelief fell over Jungkook, as he shook his head in response before speaking. "I recognized some of those names you told me on day one! Why won't you tell me the reason behind them?"

"You have to remember them yourself. Put them together like a puzzle." Jimin facial expression had formed into a more serious one. "Trust me."

"I trust you."


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