🌙episode fourteen🌙

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Taehyung wandered the outdoor area. The words of his romantic interest wandered through his head, as the small drops of rain coated his face. Thinking was definitely in order for him, especially for what the past few years have looked like-and yesterday.

He sighs, beginning to speak with nothing but the trees and surrounding small animals who are listening in. "Speaking with Jin can't make up for the past, but perhaps a better future" he looks around-a doubtful look on his face "And maybe a step in the right direction if I want to become a better person-I'm-an asshole"

The blue locked male looks around, spotting a person spying on him begin a lush green leaved tree. He speed walks over there, before they can get away.

"Ah so you want to become a better person after all these  years" Seokjin sarcastically giggles "I'm surprised you want to make an effort with me"

Taehyung squints, unsure how to react emotionally "Spying on me isnt any better of you. I guess that makes us equal" he sighs "and yes I did want to make our relationship better, like when we were kids

"When we were kids? That was so long ago Taehyung. Do you realize how much of an asshole you've been?" Seokjin says, rolling his eyes.

"I do now. And our fight was never necessary" The blue haired male shakes his head in disbelief  "I'm saying I just want better, I never said anywhere our relationship has to perfect. God what has gotten into you lately."

"I don't know if we should have a relationship at all. Is scaring hoseok really worth it? Just think about it" Jin walks away before Taehyung can spit another word out of his mouth. The other male begins to rain with fiery energy.

Taehyung walked inside, as the drops of rain began to turn into a storm.


"T-T-Tae! Gosh your soaked!" Hoseok spoke immediately as the fuming male walked into the room, who took his place next to Hoseok.

Taehyung sighed, rubbing his forehead temples. "My brother was spying on me and it escalated-we did not physically fight but he is mocking my attempt to have an interest in him. And brought you into it-would you really have a problem if him and I were to form one again?"

Hoseok took in every bit of information that his romantic interest had to say, thinking about it for a moment before he responded "No I wouldn't mind-I may be s-scared a-at first but it w-would be good to see you both r-rekindle a r-r-relationship!"

"Yeah I thought that as well" Taehyung leans his head on the older males should, closing his eyes to process the events.

"It will b-be okay. P-Promise" Hoseok smiles softly, kisses the younger forehead for reassure.

Taehyung smiles softly, putting out a relaxed sigh. "Yeah-you're right. So so right"

The young lovers sit there for a couple hours, enjoying the quiet of the pitter patter on the window as well as the occasional thunder, low volume alternative music in the background. Taehyung was clinging to Hoseok for extra warmth after being out in the cold cold rain.


Namjoon held Yoongi's hand tightly, there was a crack of a smile on his face. "This-I feel a bit nervous this time around for the therapist visit"

"You do? I promise it will be okay today. I know today is a very very hard day but-were gonna get through this together." Yoongi give his lover a one armed hug, paired with a reassuring gummy smile.

"Oh you-you're always right about things like this" The younger one began to relax, as he waits for his therapist to come out.

Shortly after a few moments of waiting, Dr.Yeosang comes out from his room after taking care of another patient. "You can come in, both of you"

The couple walks in as they are told too, sitting on each of the chairs. "So what have we came in to discuss today?" Dr.Yeosang questioned, looking at both of them.

"Well-Dr.Kang-I wanted to know what the possible causes of-my horrible emotional feel could be from" Namjoon grasps onto the mint locked males hand for a sense of comfort.

The doctor nods, looking at Namjoons records then to him. "My personal diagnosis would be with autism, that has been masked since you've believed its normal this whole time. You can take your time to process this-as being told this can be rough for many to transition into."

Namjoon looks to Yoongi, attempting to process this diagnoses. "It's okay babe, I still love you the same. Speak about how you feel about this all you want"

"I'm glad I have answers-It's nice to know after all this time. Thank you" Namjoon gets up, walking out of the room, Yoongi darting after him shortly after.

"I will always support you, I love you so much" Yoongi kisses Namjoon, not caring if there are other people watching them.

"I'm glad you've stuck by me all this time." Namjoon keeps his hands on Yoongi's waist. "I don't know how it felt on your end"

"Roughy, but pushing was never the answer. I wanted you to find out on your own terms"

"So you've known"

"Well-I have but telling you just seemed wrong"

Namjoon smiles brighter than he ever had before. "Thank you for that, I've never had someone care for me so much like you"

"I'd do anything for you" Yoongi says with a strong sense of love.




Night begins to fall, and the sun is glimmering between the clouds. Jungkook is sat by the lake, where frogs swim. His sleeves are pulled up as he begins to dive for some alone.

"Cmon buddies I know your in here somewhere. I just want to see you! Since we can't have pets inside-it kinda sucks. But one day I'll have a pet frog!" His bunny teeth show as he begins to smile, his search continues on until he finds one.

"Ah you're a little guy are you! So cute! You just be a baby" The long haired male looks at the frog, tilting his head to figure out what kind he is.

Jimin walks up to Jungkook, obvious sweat on his forehead. "Oh gosh there you are baby, I had wondered where you had been after all this time"

"I wanted to look at the frogs. Can we have a frog one day! They live a long long time if you take care of them right!" He giggles, placing the frog back in the pond, standing up.

"Yes of course baby. Whatever you want when we get out of here." Jimin sighs of relief, knowing Jungkooks impulses to wader far into the Orphanges area.

The long locked male hugs Jimin with his slimes hands, wet hands too excited to care "Yay! Ah that makes me so happy"

"All I want is for you to be happy"


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