🌙episode six🌙

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Golden sunshine was blocked heavily by the darkening clouds outside the orphanage, creating a more dreary atmosphere in the library filled with people of all ages. Taehyung approached Jimin and Jungkook, the younger curled up in an suspense book.

The fiery locked male gave a glare to the one approaching both of them. "What the hell do you want from us?" His harsh tone broke the silence of the peaceful area the two had sat themselves in. The young male blinked, tilting his head at the man with blue locks, but then returned to the entertaining object he held in his hand.

Taehyung put his caramel hands up in the air, wondering what had gone through the fiery males head. He took a moment before speaking directly back to him. "Woah, I didn't mean to cause any harm coming over here. I just wanted to start a conversation is all." He plastered a soft smile onto his face.

"I don't have any trust in you." He stood up, forcing the male who was only a few months younger than him to follow him in the corner besides bookshelves to have a private conversation. The books varied in color and design, making them all unique. "I know who you are. I don't want you anywhere near Jungkook."

"You are far too protective over someone who can defend themselves." His arms crossed, the grey clothes shifting on his body. His true self was beginning to shine away from their peers.

Jimin rolled his orbs, so much so they they might as well have gone to the back of his head. "Jungkook is lost and confused, I doubt at this moment he could defend himself." He rarely admitted the truth out loud about the poor soul.

"What makes you think that, he could just break at any moment." The words went through one ear and out the other as he spoke snarky to the other boy. "It wouldn't be hard for him to take someone out."

"I know he's not weak, but he's lost." A long, irritated sigh escaped from the smaller boys lips. He began to break. "Did you just happen to forget that his parents were murdered in front of his very eyes?" his coffee orbs gazed to the floor then straight into the face of Taehyung. "When he described this to me in the hospital, the last thing he saw was a photo of his family as he was knocked out to the table. I felt numb. I didn't know how to help him but simply be there." Tears shimmered in his globes. He took a breathe before saying another word. "You...you..slowly left him as a friend! He loved you like a brother!"

Taehyung felt a guilt wrench at his heart. "I never knew! No one-"

Jimin snapped at him before the in front him could finish his sentence. "You shouldn't even bother making up excuses. He doesn't remember what family he has left, they all ditched him! He only remembers the people that bothered to visit him when he was recovering." He kept his voice low to refrain from shouting to the entire library. "I'm lucky he even chose to remember me." Tears began to falls from his face. "You don't know how painful it is Taehyung." his body was shaken from the burning rage he felt.

"I hurt him?" He turned his head, tilting his neck. Playing the innocent card from the deck.

"What do you think you did? No wonder Yoongi left you!" Jimin stormed off from the scene, walking back to a confused Jungkook who was clueless to the conversation that happened seconds ago. He only felt lucky that there were no slips of the ongoing investigation.

"What's wrong?" Was all he managed to spit out, acknowledging the significant change in how his eyebrows were shifted.

The older attempted to soften the look on his face to comfort someone who he deeply cared about. "It's nothing, I promise."

He always seemed to promise, was the though that ran though Jungkook's brain. This did not mean he would speak upon his words.


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